For Old People - What would you have done differently 10-20 years ago?


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Turn the clocks back.

1. ) What mistakes do you think you've made in your life, that with now your added years you wish you could do over?

2. ) What has made you the most happy OTHER than your family/spouse.

3.) If you could pick one age and stay at it for ever, which would it be?
1. Do overs, none, I learned a lesson from everyone of my mistakes and your can't trade that type of education for book learning

2. My music and books, helping others

3. It is harder to choose an age than you think. I have learned something from every decade that I have lived, but probably loved the physical shape of myself when I was in my 30's.
1. I would have bought all the Microsoft stock I could have when it first came out.
2. Would not have gotten married. and been very happy.
3. 32
With just 1 and 2 I would have retired nicely at 32 while I could still enjoy it.
I'm blowing your 10-20 year time frame away, sorry.

The biggest mistake that I've made in my life was not joining the military after high school. Instead I fucked around for 2 or three years. I can spread the blame on why I didn't, but I won't because I believe in taking responsibility. But I didn't think so back then, and the Army could have changed that quickly.

The second biggest was not hiring the right lawyer after an employer screwed me out of a bonus back in the early 90's. I really could have used that money. This guy was also cheating on his wife and he will be rotting in hell for a long time.

Other than that I've been blessed with making most decisions correctly.
1. ) What mistakes do you think you've made in your life, that with now your added years you wish you could do over?

Girls I never asked out.

2. ) What has made you the most happy OTHER than your family/spouse.

My absentmindedness and midgit short term memory, so I spend most of the time happy and laid back, as opposed to depressed when I have the time to reflect back on things...

3.) If you could pick one age and stay at it for ever, which would it be?

1) I would have gone to see my grandfather more. He was a great old man. Not much else I would change. Even the mistakes lead me to where I am today.

2) Being curious and being an insatiable reader. Your outlook and attitude do more for your happiness than anything.

3) I am happy being in my early 50s. Life is great. If not now, then 9 years old again.
if you have to ask, you're old.


Turn the clocks back.

1. ) What mistakes do you think you've made in your life, that with now your added years you wish you could do over?

None. Much like the first response, it is my mistakes that have taught me more than anything and made me the person I am today, and I like me.

2. ) What has made you the most happy OTHER than your family/spouse.

Maybe travelling. But honestly... Nothing. There is absolutely nothing that makes me anywhere close to happy like my wife and daughters.

3.) If you could pick one age and stay at it for ever, which would it be?

This age right now, 44. Not too old, not too young, just right.
1. ) What mistakes do you think you've made in your life, that with now your added years you wish you could do over?
As everyone else has said, learning from my mistakes has made me stronger and, hopefully, wiser than I ever could have been otherwise. Today I would say, though, that I'd have paid more attention to sports injuries, because any longterm consequences can be irreversible and are not positive.

2. ) What has made you the most happy OTHER than your family/spouse.
My husband is my very best friend and the light of my life. In addition to him, there is so much in my life that makes me happy. If I had to choose, it would be hands-down, our dogs.

3.) If you could pick one age and stay at it for ever, which would it be?
Right now.
1. Amen to that! My knees, my knees! thank goodness for recumbent bicycles and swimming!
Ahahahaha, no, the age has just been moved up, don't trust anyone over 40, 40 is the new 30...