For Old People - What would you have done differently 10-20 years ago?

Turn the clocks back.

1. ) What mistakes do you think you've made in your life, that with now your added years you wish you could do over?

Study more and maybe gone for a phD. Write a major novel. Write a comedy TV show.

2. ) What has made you the most happy OTHER than your family/spouse.

The challenge of business and finding fairly late in life that several people quite like me.

3.) If you could pick one age and stay at it for ever, which would it be?

Late teens/early twenties

oh... and there are several people who I wish I had drowned at birth. :rolleyes:
Ahahahaha, no, the age has just been moved up, don't trust anyone over 40, 40 is the new 30...

Retarded, but you lot are all over 40 now, so its a moot point. Its amazing how stuck you guys are within your own generational clique. The older generation was too old, Gen X is a failure (I suspect bad parenting) at living down to our standards, and the Millenials are young-uns (whom we secretly envy)...