For Science Geeks -- Cooking Up a COVID Test

What does gun ownership have to do with this China virus? What makes you say our president "is not even wanting to ensure we can all be tested? Who's ass are you trying to blow smoke up?

If we can manufacture more guns than we have people here in America- WE SHOULD DAMN WELL HAVE ENOUGH INGENUITY TO MAKE SURE WE CAN ALL BE TESTED FOR A KILLER VIRUS!

Yet ONLY 1% of our people have been tested, and the president is self-congratulating himself for that?

Why don't you ask the president what guns have to do with this virus, when today up at his BULLSHIT PULPIT he said he was working well with some governors, and some he didn't like because they were bad governors- and he used the Virginia Governor as an example of one he didn't like because he recently passed a common sense gun law in his state- and he used that as his example- at this time of addressing this crisis.

SO if the president can inject guns into the crisis- I CERTAINLY CAN TOO!

The point is- I could use Cellphones or AUTOMOBILES as another example- as we have more of those than people as well! All of which are a lot harder to manufacture than some simple test kits.

But yet we do not even have enough tests to test 1% of the people in this country!
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If we can manufacture more guns than we have people here in America- WE SHOULD DAMN WELL HAVE ENOUGH INGENUITY TO MAKE SURE WE CAN ALL BE TESTED FOR A KILLER VIRUS!

Yet ONLY 1% of our people have been tested, and the president is self-congratulating himself for that?

Why don't you ask the president what guns have to do with this virus, when today up at his BULLSHIT PULPIT he said he was working well with some governors, and some he didn't like because they were bad governors- and he used the Virginia Governor as an example of one he didn't like because he recently passed a common sense gun law in his state- and he used that as his example- at this time of addressing this crisis.

SO if the president can inject guns into the crisis- I CERTAINLY CAN TOO!

The point is- I could use Cellphones or AUTOMOBILES as another example- as we have more of those than people as well! All of which are a lot harder to manufacture than some simple test kits.

But yet we do not even have enough tests to test 1% of the people in this country!

Are you that naive to think that guns can be manufactured that quickly? Half of the guns I own (including my most accurate rifle) are older than I am. You obviously have no clue of what manufacturing consists of.

That said, not everyone needs tested for this China virus. Have you taken notice of how many negatives tests come back? Not everyone with the sniffles has this virus.
What makes you think the president (or anyone, for that matter) can magically snap their fingers and have a test for everyone in this country? I assume you haven't a
clue as to what goes into accurately identifying and then developing a test for this specific strain of the flu, then producing them. Cry and scream at the sky as you might,
it takes time to produce these tests.
And what is a "common sense gun law"? Restricting all the responsible gun owners? We gun owners have been restrained and persecuted for the criminal use of firearms for
years and it hasn't helped lessen the number of firearm crimes. Keep in mind, only criminals use firearms in the commission of a crime. They are already breaking a number of
laws, why would they care if they broke one more? Do tell...
Uhhh testing for antibodies is a sign diagnostic.

So is testing for the viral DNA/RNA.

Be that as it may....diagnostic test exist. It’s the process to test millions of people quickly and accurately that needs fixed.

And that isn't likely to happen until #COVID45 actually starts acting like a leader instead of pointing and blaming and telling the governors to figure it out by themselves.

Supposedly he invoked the war powers act to get swabs manufactured. We'll see how that works out.
That said, not everyone needs tested for this China virus.

If you want consumer confidence -- and consuming -- to occur you damn well do need to have most everyone tested. I am not willing to go sit in a crowded movie theatre or restaurant again w/o the assurance that the ppl around me aren't going to give me a possibly deadly disease. Most of us feel the same way. What point is there in sending ppl back to shops and offices and factories if they are going to get infected and infect others, then we go through this b.s. all over again?
And that isn't likely to happen until #COVID45 actually starts acting like a leader instead of pointing and blaming and telling the governors to figure it out by themselves.

Supposedly he invoked the war powers act to get swabs manufactured. We'll see how that works out.

If he did, then it’s better late than never. Setting up the infrastructure for testing has to be a national priority.
If he did, then it’s better late than never. Setting up the infrastructure for testing has to be a national priority.


What is your take on states opening things back up, either all at once or gradually? Do you think that the gradual approach is less likely to cause a spike in cases?

What is your take on states opening things back up, either all at once or gradually? Do you think that the gradual approach is less likely to cause a spike in cases?

I don’t have an opinion. I’m counting on our professional public health folks to advise us as to the correct steps to take to protect the public and not some hack politicians.
If you want consumer confidence -- and consuming -- to occur you damn well do need to have most everyone tested. I am not willing to go sit in a crowded movie theatre or restaurant again w/o the assurance that the ppl around me aren't going to give me a possibly deadly disease. Most of us feel the same way. What point is there in sending ppl back to shops and offices and factories if they are going to get infected and infect others, then we go through this b.s. all over again?

And you will be tested....when?
I don’t have an opinion. I’m counting on our professional public health folks to advise us as to the correct steps to take to protect the public and not some hack politicians.

In that case may the gods be with us. Unfortunately #COVID45 has a very long track record of appointing only ppl who will be loyal, properly worship him, never contradict him, and/or donate large sums to his endeavors.
Only the gods know that, RB. Certainly the govt. doesn't.

True. Trump want's to open up the country without testing but he's a coward, so he punted to the Governors. Most Governors don't want to open without testing, but some are putting their toes in the water. Time will tell. Say at least 4-6 weeks. If there is a danger, then cases will spike at the end of May, early June.
True. Trump want's to open up the country without testing but he's a coward, so he punted to the Governors. Most Governors don't want to open without testing, but some are putting their toes in the water. Time will tell. Say at least 4-6 weeks. If there is a danger, then cases will spike at the end of May, early June.

IMO he is behaving in a criminal and immoral manner by whipping up the idiots to rebel against their states' social distancing orders. What he was impeached for pales next to this. I never, ever dreamed that I would see a day when an IMPOTUS would behave in such a way.

Look at these fucktards. Not a mask to be seen. Looks like they're closer than six feet to each other as well. (Photo from CNN.)

IMO he is behaving in a criminal and immoral manner by whipping up the idiots to rebel against their states' social distancing orders. What he was impeached for pales next to this. I never, ever dreamed that I would see a day when an IMPOTUS would behave in such a way.

Look at these fucktards. Not a mask to be seen. Looks like they're closer than six feet to each other as well. (Photo from CNN.)
For the President it's not a crime even if it's immoral. For you and me it would be a crime regardless if it was moral or not.

Best, IMHO, for peace of mind is to go back to the "evolution in action" idea along with "guess who's too sick to vote in November?...or dead?"

Bring some popcorn. :)