Why? Are you going to argue paradox M again?
Schools with mask mandates have fewer cases of Covid. if you care about your children, you will fight for a mandate at your kid's school.
Schools with mask mandates have fewer cases of Covid. if you care about your children, you will fight for a mandate at your kid's school.
Prove it's because of the masks, because the one study I've seen cited doesn't do that.
What the hell is "paradox M"?
Exactly. Hilarious that they think it's child abuse or all about control. What they are doing is trying to make the children and their parents safe. That's it.
If those parents complain, they are very welcome not to send their kids to schools. Plenty of homeschooling groups out there.
Prove it's because of the masks, because the one study I've seen cited doesn't do that.
That is the only difference. Schools that mandate masks have fewer Covid cases and therefore less sick kids. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0924-school-masking.html That convinces me . I would not send my kid to an unmasking school.
i have posted a few studies lately that show masks work. Logic is on the side of masks.
Paradox M. Argument from randU fallacy. Random numbers are not data.
That is the only difference. Schools that mandate masks have fewer Covid cases and therefore less sick kids. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0924-school-masking.html That convinces me . I would not send my kid to an unmasking school.
i have posted a few studies lately that show masks work. Logic is on the side of masks.
The fuck you are talking about, Donny?
The study, out of Arizona, is the third type of lie. It is horribly retched statistics. The researchers looked at schools only in Pima and Maricopa counties, the two urban counties in the state. It counted as a Chinese Disease outbreak any case over the 14 day period studied of two or more cases in a school as one. It didn't control for what students did outside of school, nor did it control for variations in masking policy. If the school required masks, even with an opt out policy, the school was counted as requiring masks--even if a majority of students opted out.
Essentially, the study is meaningless and likely wouldn't even have been published had the "researchers"--I use that term loosely--not gotten the result they wanted...
It is sad that rightys will risk their kids lives to back Trump lies. You would think a caring parent would error the side of caution. I am pretty sure my kid is safe from Cobvid, but just in case. I will mask him.
RQAA. Trolling.
That is the only difference. Schools that mandate masks have fewer Covid cases and therefore less sick kids. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0924-school-masking.html That convinces me . I would not send my kid to an unmasking school.
i have posted a few studies lately that show masks work. Logic is on the side of masks.
https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7039e1.htm?s_cid=mm7039e1_wAssociation Between K–12 School Mask Policies and School-Associated COVID-19 Outbreaks — Maricopa and Pima Counties, Arizona, July–August 2021
https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7039e3.htm?s_cid=mm7039e3_wPediatric COVID-19 Cases in Counties With and Without School Mask Requirements — United States, July 1–September 4, 2021
The findings in this report are subject to at least four limitations. First, this was an ecologic study, and causation cannot be inferred. Second, pediatric COVID-19 case counts and rates included all cases in children and adolescents aged <18 years; later analyses will focus on cases in school-age children and adolescents. Third, county-level teacher vaccination rate and school testing data were not controlled for in the analyses; later analyses will control for these covariates. Finally, because of the small sample size of counties selected for the analysis, the findings might not be generalizable.
https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7039e2.htm?s_cid=mm7039e2_wCOVID-19–Related School Closures and Learning Modality Changes — United States, August 1–September 17, 2021
I don't get you. What are you doing?I don't get you. What are you doing?