For the Gore supporters....

well, this is another thing I will have to read tonight...or maybe tomorrow night actually, I won't be home tonight. It's too long for here. But the first page, I disagreed with pretty much everything she proclaimed, and I haven't even gotten to the part about Gore yet.

None of the top tier Dem candidates can beat Rudy or Mitt?

well, this is another thing I will have to read tonight...or maybe tomorrow night actually, I won't be home tonight. It's too long for here. But the first page, I disagreed with pretty much everything she proclaimed, and I haven't even gotten to the part about Gore yet.

None of the top tier Dem candidates can beat Rudy or Mitt?

I don't know who the person is tha5 wrote it, But I (almost)totally disagree

the only place I agree, is that contrary to most opinions, Hillary did NOT win. the writer is correct in her description of Hilary' performance.

Some food for thought.... and yes, I am still evil. :D

1) She didn't really provide a case for why Gore shouldn't run. Other than "Do we really want a repeat of 2000?".

2) This gal, I think, is a well know Democratic poseur. A faux democrat. Just read her article She heaps praise on Guilliani and the repubicans at their debate. Please. These dudes, to a man, said they would still invade Iraq, even knowing what they know now.

3) Her faux-democratic credentials make me question her agenda. Maybe she's actually afraid of Gore running, and is being a "concern troll" by saying what a disaster if would be for Dems.
I don't know who the person is tha5 wrote it, But I (almost)totally disagree

the only place I agree, is that contrary to most opinions, Hillary did NOT win. the writer is correct in her description of Hilary' performance.

I don't know who she is either, but her writing style sounds like it comes out of People magazine. She might think she is very smart, but in my experience most stupid people do labor under that impression. Everything she said on the first page sounded stupid to me.
the cons are running scared, Hillary can most certainly beat Rudy/mitt as she crushed Edwards and Obama in the looking Presidental and taking charge of the debate role.
"None of the top tier Dem candidates can beat Rudy or Mitt?


Not exactly what she said... she said that they were not strong enough to guarntee a victory over a moderate. She thinks they are of the mindset that the White House fight will be easy regardless of who the Reps put up. Obviously just her opinion. One I happen to agree with.

Cypress... her case on Gore was the 100 soundbites that will come back to haunt him from his ramblings over the past 6 years. That and the over dramatic hyped up numbers way he portrays global warming are not good. If I remember correctly even the IPCC thinks he is exaggerating the numbers. Gore may be popular with the left, but the only way he could win the general is if the Reps put up a far right candidate to counter him. A moderate Rep would crush Bore.
"What exactly were Gore's achievements in his eight years as vice president? What steps did he take at the time to shape public policy on global warming? What did the Clinton administration do to win U.S. adoption of the Kyoto accords? (Answer: next to nothing.) What political role did Gore play in the world after leaving office? There are some mighty big blanks in Gore's record. "

Some of her other points Cypress...

I also do not know her or anything about her really. I just know you use, so figured it was an "approved" website for you. ;)
Cypress... her case on Gore was the 100 soundbites that will come back to haunt him from his ramblings over the past 6 years.

From Iraq, to global climate change, to civil rights, to foreign policy, I can't think of virtually anything Gore has been wrong about in the last six years.

Imagine if he became prez in 2000? I think most people would welcome that now.
"the cons are running scared, Hillary can most certainly beat Rudy/mitt as she crushed Edwards and Obama in the looking Presidental and taking charge of the debate role."

I still don't know that much about Mitt, but Rudy would also have kicked the crap out of those two. Hillary is one of the most (if not THE most) polarizing figures running. She has little margin for error in the general election. She has about 40-45% that will not vote for her... no matter what.
hmm some seem to think that the purge of republicans from power is over....
time will tell.
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well, this is another thing I will have to read tonight...or maybe tomorrow night actually, I won't be home tonight. It's too long for here. But the first page, I disagreed with pretty much everything she proclaimed, and I haven't even gotten to the part about Gore yet.

None of the top tier Dem candidates can beat Rudy or Mitt?

I've been meaning to ask what you thought of The Assault on Reason. We just got our copy from Amazon yesterday. KC's reading it first but I'm looking forward to it.
I've been meaning to ask what you thought of The Assault on Reason. We just got our copy from Amazon yesterday. KC's reading it first but I'm looking forward to it.

I loved it! There's not much in there I didn't already know, (probably the same will hold true for you, no doubt) but it is a passionate, well-constructed, fact-filled argument against the bush ideology.
I've been meaning to ask what you thought of The Assault on Reason. We just got our copy from Amazon yesterday. KC's reading it first but I'm looking forward to it.

But, Ornot! According to you Greenies, there's virtually no difference between Gore and Dubya - tweedle dee and tweedle dum!


I'd rather have gore but to say he wasn't wrong on anything, pass the pipe dude. He was predicting dissasterous affects of GW that simply haven't happended.:pke:
But, Ornot! According to you Greenies, there's virtually no difference between Gore and Dubya - tweedle dee and tweedle dum!



It shouldn't be this way but it is far easier for Gore to supposedly "speak his mind" as a non-elected politician than if he were President. It is much easier to claim positions etc. from the sidelines than when you are the one in charge.
It shouldn't be this way but it is far easier for Gore to supposedly "speak his mind" as a non-elected politician than if he were President. It is much easier to claim positions etc. from the sidelines than when you are the one in charge.

Perhaps. Or perhaps the kind of thing he went through in 2000, makes a person braver, makes them care less what other people say.

Even if what you say is so, I don't see him getting elected President (again), and turning around to hold hands with Joe Lieberman while they both sing "bomb bomb bomb" Iran and "die, die die for Israel" at the UN.
the cons are running scared, Hillary can most certainly beat Rudy/mitt as she crushed Edwards and Obama in the looking Presidental and taking charge of the debate role.
That's what I don't agree with. She didn't look presidential, hut ,as usual ,appeared rather dictatorial. If she is the democratic candidate, that leave a very wide opening for the Republicans. She is extremely distasteful, and always has been.
Perhaps. Or perhaps the kind of thing he went through in 2000, makes a person braver, makes them care less what other people say.

Even if what you say is so, I don't see him getting elected President (again), and turning around to hold hands with Joe Lieberman while they both sing "bomb bomb bomb" Iran and "die, die die for Israel" at the UN.

Sometimes it does take failure to really push a person to be their best. Reagan obviously lost in '76 and came back and won. Same thing could happen to Gore. Many business people have failed along the way but ended up very successful.