For the Gore supporters....

Sometimes it does take failure to really push a person to be their best. Reagan obviously lost in '76 and came back and won. Same thing could happen to Gore. Many business people have failed along the way but ended up very successful.

Yes, with George W being the glaring exception! ;)
Perhaps. Or perhaps the kind of thing he went through in 2000, makes a person braver, makes them care less what other people say.

Even if what you say is so, I don't see him getting elected President (again), and turning around to hold hands with Joe Lieberman while they both sing "bomb bomb bomb" Iran and "die, die die for Israel" at the UN.

I don;t think it will be lieberman this time. Clinton or Obama.
Sometimes it does take failure to really push a person to be their best. Reagan obviously lost in '76 and came back and won. Same thing could happen to Gore. Many business people have failed along the way but ended up very successful.

Yes, with George W being the glaring exception! ;)

Bush lost also in TX, then hired rover. the rest depends on your definition of success I suppose....
Hillary is not dumb and may realize it is not yet time in the USA for a woman president. I think she would accept a VP slot.
but then I could be wrong.
I was right about Bush all along though....remember that.
I was not insane enough to vote for Bush ;)
Not a chance. ESPECIALLY for Bore.

It would be a cold day in hell before Hillary would be Gore's VP. Not to mention Hillary's now got the Hollywood $'s locked up so (check Spielberg's support today) baring some major catastrophe on the campaign trail she has the Democratic nomination in the bag.