For the local Morons: The Proud Boys are MULTI-RACIAL and Have Gay Members as well. Imbeciles

For the local Morons: The Proud Boys are MULTI-RACIAL and Have Gay Members as well. Imbeciles​

This is is in response the asinine posts by the JPP Leftidiots repeated claims/insinuations that the Proud Bous are "white supremacist", etc.

Get a fucking clue you idiots; stop buying the Fake News'; bullshit.


That doesn't make them any less of a bunch of fuck-witted garbage.

For the local Morons: The Proud Boys are MULTI-RACIAL and Have Gay Members as well. Imbeciles​

That doesn't make them any less of a bunch of fuck-witted garbage.
Your boss might be one and you don't know it. Go bitchslap him. I bet you don't have the balls...