Exactly. Or even more accurately, it's like this. :laugh:


Nothing to add...except that I truly laughed out loud!

And wanted that picture out there one more time.
Let's do some "fundraising" for Healthcare workers...I've got some excellent ideas...;)
In Toxic's world, everyone who does not agree with her is "not well," "ill," "disturbed," "psycho," "angry," "haters," "mentally ill," etc. All these terms are, of course, self-descriptions. :laugh:

Real teachers do not run around passing out psychological diagnoses on ppl they don't even know. Nor do they call their imaginary urban students "thugs," or tell racist jokes in public, or mock those who truly do struggle with mental health issues.

Lunch room ladies, otoh, often do this while pretending to be actual professionals. lol

A prerequisite for being a trumpanzee is being a phony. She qualifies.
Have you ever noticed that when Trumpanzees are in panic mode because they see the SS Trumptanic sinking, they suddenly want us to not point out his constant incompetence? Now it's time to "play nice"? Funny how that works.

We are certainly aware that trumpanzees are basically functionally illiterate. As such, they do the best that they can with what they have.
Heheheh. Too bad the profile pic thing is so small -- this would make a great one, eh?

What are you doing, if anything, to replace your golf course time?

Getting in Nancy's way, mostly.

We do take walks together...and we keep a happy face on.
The people who are actually attempting to destroy America and its institutions...are the conservative who continue to support Trump. Trump could not care less about anything or anyone but himself.

America has liberal institutions, and progressivism is an illiberal ideology. But, yes, Douchebag Donald is a narcissist that cares only about himself.