For Toppy: College Degrees value declines

Damn they just want to make it so you cant get ahead no matter what you do huh?

We have made it so exspensive to obtain that many cant even get one anyway without going into major debt.
Lets see how smart you are how much did they grow above inflation the 20yrs before the article says?
Historically Democrats have been much worse.

Republicans have only begun to suck in our lifetimes. It's a relatively new development and we're still getting used to it.
Historically Democrats have been much worse.

Republicans have only begun to suck in our lifetimes. It's a relatively new development and we're still getting used to it.

I can't honestly think of a Republican president this century or last century who didn't suck balls besides Eisenhower (who governed as more of an independent anyway), and all of them have been slime too, except for Eisenhower, Hoover, and Coolidge.
Fixed your typo.

Dumbass, in the 60's, people began pouring into colleges. For many, it was because of the war, but at the same time the colleges began advertizing how important they are and how everyone's future should include college. At the same time, tuitions began to rise, and have been doing so ever since.
The elites of this world strategically decide who to kill and when so they can keep more resources for themselves. This is just more of that.
The only people who's value has been continuously growing since the 80's is the rich and the super-rich. Especially the super-rich.

Wonder where that's coming from?
Dumbass, in the 60's, people began pouring into colleges. For many, it was because of the war, but at the same time the colleges began advertizing how important they are and how everyone's future should include college. At the same time, tuitions began to rise, and have been doing so ever since.

yeah, college exemptions from Nam had a bit of an impact. Just ask our VP.
Then the baby boomers hit about right for that.
this is true of the AMA and CPA's, and it's spreading:clink:

At least CPA is not an honor bestowed based upon a selection of courses. Its more like passing the Bar, except that the odds of passing the first time suck even more. Still, taking the CPA exam three times is much cheaper than dishing out the extra bucks for a Master's degree.
Creating degree requirements nobody can afford is the way of elitism. It's a cover charge that keeps out the riff raff.

Horseshit! There are more scholarships, grants and work study programs available now than ever before.

Now if, by riff raff, you mean people who didn't pay attention in high school and didn't have the grades or even graduate, then yeah its a way to thin that trash out.
Horseshit! There are more scholarships, grants and work study programs available now than ever before.

Now if, by riff raff, you mean people who didn't pay attention in high school and didn't have the grades or even graduate, then yeah its a way to thin that trash out.

Well except the trash with money that can still get into college.

Does anyone really think president Bush would have gotten into an ivy league college without family money and connections ?
Rating CPA's with DR's ? LOL.

CPA's are riff raff.

All I know is that the Accounting professor at my university has name comma CPA on his office door plaqard.

Also, the guy I knew who was going off to take the exam immediately after getting his accounting degree was a freaking genius who was pretty much a shoe-in to pass the first time anyway, so it certainly symbolizes a doctoral level of mastery in his case...