For Toppy: College Degrees value declines

Yeah kinda like my CET test and My FCC 1st class liscence. Heck I am even certified to splice fiber optics and be a refrigeration technician.

But lately I just manage software projects. Which seem to driven by MBA's without a clue as to how the business runs. One asked me last weeek. You mean we actually have to have requirements written up before we code it ? But we only have time to write the code before it goes online. And we can't miss that date!
My job is kinda like trying to herd a bunch high paid degreed cats with attogant attitudes.

Considering where I am in my career (would like to quit tomottow) I consider all this mess pretty humerous.
Yeah kinda like my CET test and My FCC 1st class liscence. Heck I am even certified to splice fiber optics and be a refrigeration technician.

But lately I just manage software projects. Which seem to driven by MBA's without a clue as to how the business runs. One asked me last weeek. You mean we actually have to have requirements written up before we code it ? But we only have time to write the code before it goes online. And we can't miss that date!
My job is kinda like trying to herd a bunch high paid degreed cats with attogant attitudes.

Considering where I am in my career (would like to quit tomottow) I consider all this mess pretty humerous.

Aha, you see? MBA is simply a graduate level degree. To ensure its value, you really have to go to a nice college (not sure about Loyola, but that's where Top got his).

People who get law degrees, accounting degrees and so forth have to pass Bar and CPA exams to get their milk and cookies. Its a difference between degree and certification.

For example, teachers get paid based upon their level of education (plus experience). But in order to teach they need certification, and while a degree is permanent, a cert can be yanked, and as we enter into the standards-based era, that can be used as a tool to enforce teaching standards as well...
Rating CPA's with DR's ? LOL.

CPA's are riff raff.

what a moron, this is why I say you should still go to school
you fail to understand most point.
I was saying the AMA overly restricts the number of doctors
CPA's overly restrict the number of CPA's.
A college graduate in general is infinatley smarter that a fucking GED:clink:
that shows your ignorance in spades ged.
Threedee, someone still on daddy's allowance is not qualified to discuss the value of another's MBA.
that shows your ignorance in spades ged.
Threedee, someone still on daddy's allowance is not qualified to discuss the value of another's MBA.

Fuck you, I was speaking from experience. All of the really knowledgable business minds I went to college with, like a Boeing engineer who also studdied business were telling me what idiots the MBA candidates are for going back to school here. No one is going to take an MBA seriously from a no-name school like Saint Martin's U. That's all.
I don't know shit about st martins
Loyola is a top knotch Catholic Private college all the rich bitches in Nawlins go to if they don't go to Tulane.
You can base your still allownace getting knowlede on what some engineer tool tells you.
I'm first hand in the hiring of college grads for a top 5 biggest company in the country.
MBA>BA>hs unless it's Ivy league it's doesn't matter much. Those guys don't want mid level management jobs in fortune 500 companies.
I don't know shit about st martins
Loyola is a top knotch Catholic Private college all the rich bitches in Nawlins go to if they don't go to Tulane.
You can base your still allownace getting knowlede on what some engineer tool tells you.
I'm first hand in the hiring of college grads for a top 5 biggest company in the country.
MBA>BA>hs unless it's Ivy league it's doesn't matter much. Those guys don't want mid level management jobs in fortune 500 companies.

You're proving my point though. You didn't stay at LSU for grad school, but went to Loyola because you knew the MBA would be respected by your employers.

The engineer got promoted to entry level management within a year of getting his BSME from Saint Martin's (small, private, Catholic university near Olympia). Guy plans to switch to a plant in SoCal and then pick up the MBA down there. He also likes to diss SMU because he sees a small U with a lot of potential pissing its opportunities away (which it has been doing for decades).

Anyway, I'm just a guy working on becoming a teacher... Now go thank daddy for milking you through college back in the day, old man.
Threedee, your a retard. Your going to make less than I made bartending on weekends and you have the gaul to know any degrees. Unlike you my dad was gone when I was ten, I worked my way through college but I bet I had a lot more fun than you did.
Threedee, your a retard. Your going to make less than I made bartending on weekends and you have the gaul to know any degrees. Unlike you my dad was gone when I was ten, I worked my way through college but I bet I had a lot more fun than you did.

Oh, so you expect everyone else to lose their dad at 10 so we can be just like you? I know quite a lot about degrees, as you might have noticed, because I plan to make a career in academia...

My dad also worked his way through college, in a Seattle whose economy sucked ass (worst in the nation in 1969 when he got home from Nam, with a 12% unemployment rate). Anyway, he had to compete with Boeing engineers for menial jobs like pizza delivery, and he had usually three at a time - delivery, assistant at the UW dental clinic, and laying sheetrock for some company. He eventually made it as a chemist. So don't give me more of your usual bull. Why don't you go throw racial slurs at BAC?