For Topspin and other GEDers

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
I was at a formal dinner on Monday night, where I threw back a drink at the bar with a black guy. He happens to be a former Grand Knight!!! What do you think about that??? O_o
I was at a formal dinner on Monday night, where I threw back a drink at the bar with a black guy. He happens to be a former Grand Knight!!! What do you think about that??? O_o

I'd say the guy deserved a drink. He must have been burnt out considering his duties.


 Be familiar with the Grand Knight’s Handbook (#915) and
the information it contains.
 Foster an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork in the
 Establish council goals (both membership and programming)
for the fraternal year.
 Be familiar with the “Charter, Constitution and Laws” of
the Order, and the council’s by-laws.
 Appoint a membership director and a programming director,
then works with them in appointing committees.
 Appoint a lecturer.
 Appoint a chaplain.
 Presides at all council meetings and functions (see
Method of Conducting a Council Meeting flyer [#1937]).
 Host monthly council officer meetings.
 Act as an ex officio member of all committees.
 Ensure that all reports and reporting forms require — by
the state council and supreme council (see the Council
Report Forms Booklet [#1436] and the Order’s Web site)
are filed on time.
 Interact with the financial secretary and treasurer to ensure
that the council is meeting financial obligations to the
Supreme (per capital tax and Catholic Advertising Fund)
and state councils and others.
 Oversee the council’s membership procedures in conjunction
with the financial secretary.
 Monitor the council’s progress in obtaining Supreme and
state council awards.
 As Chairman of the Board of Trustees, works with trustees
to ensure proper procedures are followed as they relate to
financial matters. Prepares and conducts the semiannual
 Serve as a member of the advisory board of a circle sponsored
by the council.
 Appoint an Admission Committee and monitors its activity.
 Work with the treasurer and financial secretary in preparing
a council budget.
 Attend the semi-annual district meetings as well as the
annual state meeting.
 Schedules and monitors council First Degree exemplifications,
and assists district deputy with higher degree exemplifications
as needed. (End) Knight handbook.pdf
Damn, my knowledge of obscure drinking clubs is faulty. I should have known though, since you'd talked about the K of C before.