Bernie is incapable of building consensus with others
He's like your grumpy uncle who hates any and everyone who doesn’t immediately agree with everything he says.
By 1983 I was sorry (not ashamed) that I had voted for Reagan...that was the last moment I considered myself to be a Republican.
You vote for them so it doesn’t matter
Then you know exactly why I voted for Bernie in TWO primaries. It was like voting for myself.
Hillary would have been a competent and capable president. Nobody has ever been better qualified.
I voted for her in the general because my party nominated her.
But you know how I feel about so-called centrists, 'vince.
There's just rightists with very slightly bigger brains and slightly smaller balls.
I have no use for them.
I voted for a bitch that I honestly didn't like because I knew at the very least she was capable and could do the my party nominated her.
It had nothing whatsoever to do with her being a woman. In most things, women are men with different plumbing.
She was just much too far to the right of me....a Republican-Lite like her husband.
Where did you see my voting record, DICK?
He just doesn’t have the character
Mussolini ran as a populace defender
He was a fascist in practice
I’m not saying Bernie would have been a fascists in practice but
His plans were meaningless with him alone
He is not well liked and has a hard time getting even Dems to work with him
And he would have seen scandal after scandal because his people had all been infiltrated by Russian assets
True or not the scandals would seem real because of the level of access to peoples real life’s would ha e been used to create them
Nuggets of truth wrapped in speculation and cherry picked stolen communications
Bernie would have been a big failure
I don't care about personalities.
I vote policy positions, not people, especially in my party's primaries.
I'm not too impressed with any of the people, usually.
In Bernie's case, he needed nicer clothes, but I voted for him twice.
People can be con men or even just silly guys who overestimate their own abilities
Mussolini and trump were con men
Bernie was self overestimating and silly
Anyone who paid attention to what he was able to accomplish in his career knew that
His constituents in Vermont might disagree.
Anyway, the president presides over his/her cabinet. He/she doesn't don coveralls and a hardhat to do the work.
He/she merely offers an agenda.
I vote for these agendas and policy positions in my party's primaries.
I vote for my party's nominees in the general.
I don't vote for people, EVER, because as I'm sure that you've noticed,
I'm not the ultimate people person.
Faking it when I was a union rep was exhausting, but the constituents have to think that you like them.
It's just like politics, actually.
Tell us why you would not care about a persons ability to ACTUALLY put in action the things they are telling you they will do
Bernies record of actually passing laws and working with others to get things done we’re abysmal
In your take empty words can win the day