For you folks who support profiling, the IRS was right to scrutinize Tea Party!

I am not Darla. This is a simple, direct question: Have Republicans ever used the IRS to go after political opponents"?

Of course! Most of the bastards in Washington government have enemy list and abuse whatever power they have including the IRS to spy on, belittle, politically cripple, ruin and even bankrupt their political foes if they can get away with it. Why is that even relevant to the case at hand? Does it make it “all better” for y’all fucking lefties if you can prove Republicans did it? Or would you support the idea that every bastard that does it should go to jail? Maybe the next Republican will come after your ass with the IRS, huh?
like the Democrats did with the Tea Party?.......again, no.......

OK, I see we have reached the limit of your honesty and the vast scope of your hyper-partisanship. Wear it proud, but be aware that you no longer have ANY credibility. From now on anything you say will be seen through the lens that everything Democrats do is bad, and EVERYTHING Republicans do is OK.
This is going to bring your Boi King down, this is worse, MUCH worse than Watergate...and "he" is at the center of it.

OK, I see we have reached the limit of your honesty and the vast scope of your hyper-partisanship. Wear it proud, but be aware that you no longer have ANY credibility. From now on anything you say will be seen through the lens that everything Democrats do is bad, and EVERYTHING Republicans do is OK.
OK, I see we have reached the limit of your honesty and the vast scope of your hyper-partisanship. Wear it proud, but be aware that you no longer have ANY credibility. From now on anything you say will be seen through the lens that everything Democrats do is bad, and EVERYTHING Republicans do is OK.

you do recall the Democrats did something bad here, right?.......
you do recall the Democrats did something bad here, right?.......

The IRS did something bad here. But there is no evidence of a connection to any Democrat calling for this scrutiny though. I provide proof that Republicans CALLED FOR the IRS to scrutinize people who criticized President Bush.
The IRS did something bad here. But there is no evidence of a connection to any Democrat calling for this scrutiny though. I provide proof that Republicans CALLED FOR the IRS to scrutinize people who criticized President Bush.

right.....because it was Republicans who called for an examination of TP
right.....because it was Republicans who called for an examination of TP

evince, christiefan915 and I already provided evidence that Republicans called for the IRS investigate organizations who criticized President Bush, the war or groups they deem as enemies. (Posts#6, 11 & 13)

Very recent: One day before the IRS apologized for scrutinizing conservatives’ applications for “social welfare” tax exemption, House Republicans sent a letter to the IRS Commissioner demanding an audit of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) claiming the organization does not qualify for tax-exempt status and deserves extra scrutiny. They are using the IRS to target an organization for its support of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee want the evil IRS to investigate AARP’s finances, but AARP asserts all of its revenue is put to use supporting it mission of assisting senior citizens.

evince, christiefan915 and I already provided evidence that Republicans called for the IRS investigate organizations who criticized President Bush, the war or groups they deem as enemies. (Posts#6, 11 & 13)
???, you provided evidence that they checked to see if the NAACP was violating the requirements of their already granted tax exempt status.....the issue wasn't whether they criticized Bush or the war, the issue was whether they were engaging in political activity....

as for the AARP, I'm a member and I received their mailing about the Affordable Care Act......
How about you and I bet? Do you have the courage??

why would I offer to leave? isn't a matter of "courage"......agreeing to your idiotic challenge would be kowtowing to opinion.......personally, I say fuck you and I'll be happy to see you leave....
???, you provided evidence that they checked to see if the NAACP was violating the requirements of their already granted tax exempt status.....the issue wasn't whether they criticized Bush or the war, the issue was whether they were engaging in political activity....

as for the AARP, I'm a member and I received their mailing about the Affordable Care Act......

You are either a VERY dishonest person, or a VERY naive one. My guess is the former.

In your little mind the Democrats wear black, and Republicans wear white. And the Tea Party is NOT engaging in political activity...
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Actually, the law for the 501C4 tax exempt status reads that the applicant must be EXCLUSIVELY a social welfare entity. Somewhere along the line....about 50 years ago, misinterpreted the law and wrote PRIMARILY in their guidelines in place of the word EXCLUSIVELY.

So, following the law....NO political group should have 501C4 status.
right.....because it was Republicans who called for an examination of TP

You blame the leadership, right? Well, the leader of the IRS when all this went down was a Republican, therefore, a republican is at fault. If you really want to go all the way, it was George Bush who appointed the guy, so wouldn't this whole scandal be Bush's fault?
You are either a VERY dishonest person, or a VERY naive one. My guess is the former.

In your little mind the Democrats wear black, and Republicans wear white. And the Tea Party is NOT engaging in political activity...

not my mind Democrats are naked......and it isn't pretty......
Senate Democrats Pressured IRS to Crack Down on Tea Party
in JMM news / by jmmedia / on May 15, 2013 at 2:17 pm
The same Democratic chairman of the Senate Finance Committee who this week is calling for hearings into IRS activities, specifically called on the IRS to engage in that very conduct back in 2010. And he wasn’t the only one. Just last year, a group of seven Senate Democrats sent another letter to the IRS urging them to similarly investigate these outside political organizations……….. Read more:

From Max Baucus to Chuck Schumer to Jeanne Shaheen, key Senate Democrats publicly pressured the IRS to target groups that held differing political views and who, in their view, had the temerity to engage in the political process. The IRS listened to them and acted. And other Democrat senators like Kay Hagan and Mark Pryor said and did nothing about it………………….

Read more:
You do know they can't be 51 percent political and they admit they are partially political. That's he whole point

According to the law as written, they cannot be political at all. From what I understand, there was never a vote to change the wording from EXCLUSIVELY to, the real question is....who changed the wording in the law? There is going to be a lot of 501C4's....conservative and liberal alike who are going to lose tax exempt status if they are political.