interesting post. Does not speak well of Bush. However virtually all those here who claim to be Libertarian or leaning voted for Bush at least once, some twice.
Just as wrong as you have always been. I never have.
interesting post. Does not speak well of Bush. However virtually all those here who claim to be Libertarian or leaning voted for Bush at least once, some twice.
For one thing, California voted for Obama by a margin 5 points less than Vermont and 10 points less the Hawaii.
In 2010, Gay marriage is certain to be approved, and proposition 8 will forever be looked at as a blemish of shame in our nations history.
Vermont is currently the most liberal state in the union. Read "sexting."
No parties openly address the most totalitarian force in our world today: Fiat Currency.
When some people can make money when they want to and others must work for it, there is no stopping a descent to totalitarianism. Currently we see the federal reserve and the banks on a spree of money making, for them and their closest friends.
I'm not talking about same sex marriage. That became your issue after your side lost the criminal sodomy issue. Your side wants homosexuality to be illegal but lost that battle so now you are attacking same sex marriage because that is where the lines have been pushed back to. Eventually, you will lose that battle as well.That's a canard. Same sex marriage is an issue that crosses party lines as demonstrated in its being overturned in CA, arguably the most liberal state in the union, just this past November. 70% of Americans still oppose same sex marriage. Half of us American's, including me a republican conservative Christian, have no problem with affording the kinds of legal benefits associated with civil unions.
Protecting the meaning of marriage is not asking for government to save anyone’s soul. *eye-roll*
Child porn is child porn regardless of who does it.
In a way, I feel sorry for Obama, he has such a clear vision, but is going to find his supporters very hostile to his ideas in Afghanistan.
I don't think he, or anyone, could have guessed the rise of the conservatives regarding tea parties.
Only amongst the extremists, who, of course, are probably going to vote for him anyway.
The "rise" of the conservatives? Conservatives are weaker than at any point since Reagan's term, Annie. Could you point to any increase in conservative support since you guys began that tea party nonsense?
Yes. Municipalities and states have begun to change spending and tax increases. The whole problem needs to be addressed from bottom up.
Seems like our current crisis started at the top.