Your post reads like someone is stuttering. LOL
Anyway, the problem is evaluating a human being using only DNA as the criteria. Using that method ONLY means an acorn is an oak tree and that doesn't make any more sense than saying a fertilized egg is a chicken. (People who live on farms still eat the occasional fertilized egg.)
Where did you learn biology, in kindergarten....??
Animals are animals, plants are plants and human are humans....
Human DNA will ALWAYS be human DNA at EVERY stage of life
It depends on what criteria we use. For example, there are numerous fruits but saying something is a fruit and is good for you is not necessarily the truth. One is cautioned against eating grapefruit while taking certain medication. That doesn't mean the person can not eat any fruit. The point being we often have to use a number of factors in order to classify something.
Near the end of life we use brain wave and other indicators to determine if one is alive. Technically, with the aid of medical devices that person is alive. They are carrying on bodily functions, their skin is regenerating, etc. However, we draw a line.
Then we have certain accepted customs/rules that say every human being is an individual. The individuality of our bodies is sacred. Then there are things that require an exact date of birth. If we want to be fair someone born, say, two months premature should have to wait until they are 18 years and two months old before voting and 65 years plus two months before collecting SS.
certain accepted customs/rules that say every human being is an individual.?------customs and rules have nothing to do with every human being an individual
That set aside we come to, what is to me, the devil in the details. How far do we go if a fetus is considered a human being? We have laws, in certain jurisdictions, that prohibit adults smoking in cars in which there are children. Makes perfect sense just as prohibiting a pregnant woman from smoking makes perfect sense assuming a fetus is a human being. We know smoking results in carcinogens travelling through the blood. Are they passing through the placenta to the fetus?
Its biology....a human is a human is a human at any age....civil laws are irrelevant.....its biological fact
What about nourishment? If authorities saw a child malnourished they wouldn't think twice about removing the child from the parent. If a doctor determines the fetus is too small due to the mother not eating properly what actions do we take, as a society? We can't remove the fetus so our alternatives are limited to taking action to ensure the woman eats properly.
Then there's activities. People would look on in horror if a woman went down a ski slope with an infant strapped to her back or stomach. Can anyone justify a pregnant woman on a ski slope
jeopardizing the life of another human being?
Ridiculous scenarios? Absurd concerns? There was a time when smoking was permitted in hospital rooms, of all places! Fifty years ago, if someone had said smoking would be banned in bars reaction was probably the same as we see today when someone says behavior detrimental to a fetus would be prohibited.
It all boils down to unintended consequences. Classifying a fetus as a human being will strip women of rights, many which are not readily apparent.
The women will always have her so will the other human being (the right to a life)
All that said we haven't even touched on back-street abortions and the literal millions of neglected and abused children who will enter the world. Some posters have suggested making adoption easier. Others have suggested support/social programs for new mothers. Perhaps before any legislation is passed to curtail abortion it might be a good idea to put programs in place and prepare for the inevitable adjustments that would have to be made.
IRRELEVANT.....we don't murder the homeless because they are homeless or starving...we shelter them and feed we should any human being..
Over one million abortions per year. Even if a fraction of those live births ended up not wanted by the biological mother we would see hundreds of thousands of Children institutionalized over the years. Hundreds of thousands of women bearing children they do not want. We have to find another solution.
You solution is Adolf Hitlers solution....THE FINAL SOLUTION.....