Forcing children to come to Jesus

Yes. VBS are very fun. The kids are free to do whatever. Plenty of fun games.

no they are free to participate in the planned activities. and yes, they are intended to be fun, the fun improves the educational aspect.

Thats why they had that girl doing that coffee grinder dance thing because thats fun in her mind.

but kids are getting a heapin helping of Jesus in VBS or the pastor wouldnt be spending the money.
no they are free to participate in the planned activities. and yes, they are intended to be fun, the fun improves the educational aspect.

Thats why they had that girl doing that coffee grinder dance thing because thats fun in her mind.

but kids are getting a heapin helping of Jesus in VBS or the pastor wouldnt be spending the money.

I agree.

unlike the rest of you, who seem to agree with him, I don't think it was right that APL's parents forced him to grow up dumber than shit.......
Do you force children to come to Jesus or let them come to him on their own?

What does the message "forcing" tell the children?

No more than "forcing" them to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. Why focus on Christianity when all other major religions have their own schools?
I gather you are unfamiliar with Christianity.

As it's SCOTUS Christian Nation interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" familiarity with Islam pseudo medical science virgin Mary human reproduction pertaining to a son of Allah disciple out of wedlock offspring is business economics; Christianity's fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception in Christiananality pedophilia master plan suicidal super egos malfeasance in sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming "one nation under God with equal justice under law" law of the land not force, but reason.....
As it's SCOTUS Christian Nation interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" familiarity with Islam pseudo medical science virgin Mary human reproduction pertaining to a son of Allah disciple out of wedlock offspring is business economics; Christianity's fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception in Christiananality pedophilia master plan suicidal super egos malfeasance in sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming "one nation under God with equal justice under law" law of the land not force, but reason.....

how droll, a random word generator....
No more than "forcing" them to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. Why focus on Christianity when all other major religions have their own schools?

Reading, writing and arithmetic are not myths.

If you are talking about teaching world religions, I got no disagreement.
Is it right to force a kid to attend a church/sunday school/jesus camp and learn myths? As I have posted a video it demonstrates the trauma.

Why would it be wrong? Do you think religion should be outlawed? Spirituality? Discussion of anything beyond the physical universe?
how droll, a random word generator....

How convenient for this Christian Nation Reichquest propaganda to generate more master race master plan diatribe forcing their fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception tautology against the laws of nature & nature's God as SCOTUS Rehnquist's supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court where pseudoscience in medical human reproduction for Islam virgin Mary accounts is law of the land of the Fourth Reich as if "Never Again" doesn't apply due to Eisenhower being designated a war criminal for hindering "serve the Pope or die" business contracts with Nazi Germany in Holocaust deaths for Arab oil which obviously was those crooks on Capital Hill 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" health care patriot act Federal Lynching enforcement "man is God" interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".
Example. Forcing them to believe in Creationism without looking at anything else.

Should people have permits to have children? Or have the children taken away at age 6 so they can be taught in a proper education facility?

Stalin and Mao tried to stamp out religion, killed millions in the process, but all it did was go underground. 70 years of Soviet domination and, as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, the Russian Orthodox Church popped up like it was never gone.

Why try to control something that is impossible to control?