Forewarned Is Forearmed

Not one of your better post BKP. Not only did you ramble, you didn't exactly make your point. What is it that we need to be forewarned/forearmed against/about?

I also have to take issue with Mz Noonan's comment. It's not astute at all. In fact it's just plain wrong. Americans don't think our problems can't be solved. We know damned full well that they can be. What were disheartened about is the lack of political will by our polticians to even attempt to solve these problems.
LOFL, I'm not shocked
1. that you smoke stogies, I smoke Bob Marley fat joints
2. that your full of hot air and are arrogant as fuck without much reason for such
3. I was born poor and worked my way up, don't have time for people who bloveate to hear the tone of their own voice, unless you have the education and morality to start your hurculean lungs on the unjust that is the Ghaja prohibition.
You got a sweet blog and a sweeter tounge, to bad it's wasted on weakling issues.
Dude, try not to drool on that blunt before you pass it around!!
Not one of your better post BKP. Not only did you ramble, you didn't exactly make your point. What is it that we need to be forewarned/forearmed against/about?

I also have to take issue with Mz Noonan's comment. It's not astute at all. In fact it's just plain wrong. Americans don't think our problems can't be solved. We know damned full well that they can be. What were disheartened about is the lack of political will by our polticians to even attempt to solve these problems.

I'd have to agree with you, Mott; not a home run, much less a grand slam. A solid base hit, though, I'd argue. A single, if not a slide-in double. And lest you forget, you can still get in the Hall of Fame batting .300.

My point is the need for people to be informed citizens. Informed citizens don't get blindsided and become alarmed by events, as I've found many of my students do. Informed citizens don't become so easily overwhelmed and fall into despair.

While the good and upright members of this forum are clearly well informed and responsible citizens, they are sadly the exception to the larger norm that is American society.

Though I am heartened by the fact that it appears increasing numbers of our fellow countrymen are taking the initiative and time to become better informed, I would dare say the vast majority still lacks any depth of substantive command of the critical issues facing our nation. In this regard, I believe that Noonan's reference to those who are starting to believe our problems lack resolution encompasses these new babes whose eyes have recently been opened to the harsh glare of unforgiving reality.

I do, however, wholeheartedly agree with your spot on remark that many of us are increasingly disheartened by a truly sickening lack of political will and courage among our "leaders" to seriously consider even the most meager of toddler steps towards resolving the issues that confront us.

Granted this opens up the conundrum of whether our "leaders" truly lead or are merely responsive to the desires and demands placed upon them from the electorate. As I ask my American Government classes, can we really expect our elected representatives to make what will most certainly be painful decisions for society as a whole, with significantly higher levels of pain for varying segments of it, when we continue to demand more from them, but not of them?

The stark reality is we need to have a candid, exhaustive and rationale discussion as a society regarding what government's responsibilities are, what we expect of it and from it and how much we are willing to pay in order for it to carry out the mission we assign it and deliver the services we deem appropriate.

Nonetheless, I sincerely appreciate your comments and the usual high level of intellectual exchange proffered in a truly friendly and respectful manner.
Granted this opens up the conundrum of whether our "leaders" truly lead or are merely responsive to the desires and demands placed upon them from the electorate.
Lol. We know they aren't responsive to the electorate. They merely pull the people along with the agenda of New World Order banker fascists.

\As I ask my American Government classes, can we really expect our elected representatives to make what will most certainly be painful decisions for society as a whole, with significantly higher levels of pain for varying segments of it, when we continue to demand more from them, but not of them? .

You actually want LESS responsiveness to the people and more TELLING the people what's good for them.

you are obviously a sold out internationalist fascist elitist. Most neocon idiots are..
I'm way to old for a blunt.
However a joint, spliff, bong or pipe I frequently pass:clink:
Man, old school...

Vapors is the way to go, and it doesn't stink up the joint.

You can even, if you have Medical MJ Card in CO, get it in chocolate covered coffee beans. There's candy, cereal bars, tea, and about a billion ways that are less intrusive to others than smoking it, each with its unique effects.
Lol. We know they aren't responsive to the electorate. They merely pull the people along with the agenda of New World Order banker fascists.

You actually want LESS responsiveness to the people and more TELLING the people what's good for them.

you are obviously a sold out internationalist fascist elitist. Most neocon idiots are..

AssHat, AssHat, AssHat.....

Clearly you missed my closing comment, my undead, anti-intellectual friend.

"The stark reality is we need to have a candid, exhaustive and rationale discussion as a society regarding what government's responsibilities are, what we expect of it and from it and how much we are willing to pay in order for it to carry out the mission we assign it and deliver the services we deem appropriate."

I understand that rational thought and analysis are exceedingly difficult for those with rotted, cadaverous brains, but that hardly sounds like someone who has sold out to the international fascist elite and wants to tell the people what's good for them. If you're looking for a poster child for that, though, I'd personally nominate Obergruppenmayor Bloomberg.

Now settle down, put all this nasty New World Order mumbo jumbo out of your mind and enjoy your pudding.

Or do you prefer jello?
Man, old school...

Vapors is the way to go, and it doesn't stink up the joint.

You can even, if you have Medical MJ Card in CO, get it in chocolate covered coffee beans. There's candy, cereal bars, tea, and about a billion ways that are less intrusive to others than smoking it, each with its unique effects.

I didn't know what a blunt was a few years ago, funny enough I read on a high school wrestling site that my youngest was seen at Madi Gras with a blunt. I kinda figured it was Jah's herb
AssHat, AssHat, AssHat.....

Clearly you missed my closing comment, my undead, anti-intellectual friend.

"The stark reality is we need to have a candid, exhaustive and rationale discussion as a society regarding what government's responsibilities are, what we expect of it and from it and how much we are willing to pay in order for it to carry out the mission we assign it and deliver the services we deem appropriate."

I understand that rational thought and analysis are exceedingly difficult for those with rotted, cadaverous brains, but that hardly sounds like someone who has sold out to the international fascist elite and wants to tell the people what's good for them. If you're looking for a poster child for that, though, I'd personally nominate Obergruppenmayor Bloomberg.

Now settle down, put all this nasty New World Order mumbo jumbo out of your mind and enjoy your pudding.

Or do you prefer jello?

LOL. Personal attacks are always the first defense of the intellectually bankrupt.

Your ideas reek of elitism. The idea that the elected officials are TOO responsive the electorate is lunacy.

Many in power are talking about a New World Order or system of some kind as the "answer to our problems". Your denials regarding this issue only confirm in the minds of thinking individuals that you are, in fact, a New World Order salesman. And a transparent one at that.

You suck at thinking.
"The stark reality is we need to have a candid, exhaustive and rationale discussion as a society regarding what government's responsibilities are, what we expect of it and from it and how much we are willing to pay in order for it to carry out the mission we assign it and deliver the services we deem appropriate. "

.....and what we would be willing to sacrifice and do with out! That's the 800 lb gorrilla in the room no one wants to talk about.

As a nation we have incessant demands for Government services and a patent contradictory unwillingness to pay for them. Almost everyone one (some more so than others) is for less government but are unwilling to specify what they would sacrifice and what they would compromise upon to acheive that end. The other 800 lb gorrilla in the room is how do we equitably share those finite resources we have alloted for Government services? Presently we suffer from an Aristocracy of money in which most government services benefit mostly the higher economic classes. This creates a great deal of alienation among the people who feel they are under represented (our undead friend Asshat for example) and rightfully so. The corrollary to that some would argue is that those who pay the most for those services should recieve the most benefits from those services and there is some validity to that view, but not completely so.

I feel that our political "leaders" are placed in an untenable situation by their consituents. To govern or legislate responsibly is to soon be voted out of office in our present environment. That's not the politicians fault. They are just doing what politicians do, seeking power.

More often then not our Government (particularly at the national level) operates in crises mode. That is, we the electorate, continue to vote dumb sunsa bitches into office until they have things so messed up (not entirely their fault) that it precipitates a crises. We then have a history of finding to smart sunsa bitches who do know how to lead. I thought Sept 11, 2001 was one such crises, I was wrong. So the question for me is, how bad does it have to get before we are willing to make the shared sacrifices and designate the real leaders who have the capability, talent and will to address our problems?
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I'm sure it will be legalized and you can explore some of the newer possibilities rather than sneak around stinking up the air.
Duly noted, my wise and colloquially correct friend; I stand corrected.

Shots are on me! :clink:
I was in a store in Kansas, I think it may have been Wal-Mart, and was standing in line behind somebody who was paying with a check. After patiently waiting for them to write it AFTER all the groceries were all rung up (rather than filling it all out except the amounts while they are ringing it up to save time) they then had to dig out some Identification.

I watched as the clerk looked at the ID, looked back at the gentleman who had just oh so carefully written a powerfully cashable check, look back down at the ID, then exclaim, "West Viginia?!! If you are going to give me a FAKE ID you should at least make it from a REAL STATE!!!"

I stepped forward in the gentleman's defense and told the cashier that West Virginia was indeed a state, placed just West of Virginia on the map, she looked at me disgustedly and said, "So you are in on it too!" then called her manager....

She clearly believed we were a team of Con Artists out to pass fake checks for the HUGE amount of $43 (and some change) using false Identification from imaginary places...
".....and what we would be willing to sacrifice and do with out! That's the 800 lb gorrilla in the room no one wants to talk about."

Precisely! Who among us is willing to be the first to sacrifice their political sacred cow on the alter of fiscal responsibility?!

Good show, Mott!
"The stark reality is we need to have a candid, exhaustive and rationale discussion as a society regarding what government's responsibilities are, what we expect of it and from it and how much we are willing to pay in order for it to carry out the mission we assign it and deliver the services we deem appropriate. "

.....and what we would be willing to sacrifice and do with out! That's the 800 lb gorrilla in the room no one wants to talk about.

As a nation we have incessant demands for Government services and a patent contradictory unwillingness to pay for them. Almost everyone one (some more so than others) is for less government but are unwilling to specify what they would sacrifice and what they would compromise upon to acheive that end. The other 800 lb gorrilla in the room is how do we equitably share those finite resources we have alloted for Government services? Presently we suffer from an Aristocracy of money in which most government services benefit mostly the higher economic classes. This creates a great deal of alienation among the people who feel they are under represented and rightfully so. The corrollary to that some would argue is that those who pay the most for those services should recieve the most benefits from those services and there is some validity to that view, but not completely so.

I feel that our political "leaders" are placed in an untenable situation by their consituents. To govern or legislate responsibly is to soon be voted out of office in our present environment. That's not the politicians fault. They are just doing what politicians do, seeking power.

More often then not our Government (particularly at the national level) operates in crises mode. That is, we the electorate, continue to vote dumb sunsa bitches into office until they have things so messed up (not entirely their fault) that it precipitates a crises. We then have a history of finding to smart sunsa bitches who do know how to lead. I thought Sept 11, 2001 was one such crises, I was wrong. So the question for me is, how bad does it have to get before we are willing to make the shared sacrifices and designate the real leaders who have the capability, talent and will to address our problems?

The real 800 pound gorilla is how do we have an economic recovery without a recovery for the working class? and how does stimulus even assist the american working class when corporations still have sending jobs overseas as their highest priority?

The quesion is not "what must we be forced to do without?". It's "why are our government and corporate elites destroying america?"
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LOL. Personal attacks are always the first defense of the intellectually bankrupt.

Your ideas reek of elitism. The idea that the elected officials are TOO responsive the electorate is lunacy.

Many in power are talking about a New World Order or system of some kind as the "answer to our problems". Your denials regarding this issue only confirm in the minds of thinking individuals that you are, in fact, a New World Order salesman. And a transparent one at that.

You suck at thinking.

Personal attacks, AssHat?! Perish the thought! These are terms of endearment tied to your nom de guerre.

I would say, though, that if I am a salesman for the NWO, I've yet to receive my commission check. If someone would please contact payroll and get that issued forthwith, it would be greatly appreciated.

As for being transparent, clearly I need to change my cloak and cowl. Now where ever did I put that spare? Perhaps I left it in my Chamber of Reflection....