Former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt slams Sarah Palin as 'unwell'

As an ardent supporter of the Globalist Democrat-Lite lying thief, McCain, it is not surprising that this posturing propagandist hated Palin.

Shut-up about McCain- He had more balls than you will ever have in your lifetime!

Would have been president, if he would have ran with a decent VP candidate instead of a DIMWIT!
McCain disqualified himself with me when he picked Palin. It would be interesting to know how much Steve Schmidt had to do with that happening. No, I dont care what he says about her now.
He should have stuck with Joe Lieberman, that was McCain’s choice.
Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt on Sunday laced into former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, blasting her as a "degenerate liar" who should not be afforded the opportunity to once again hold "a position of public trust."

In a Twitter thread, Schmidt, who was a senior campaign strategist and advisor to McCain during the senator's unsuccessful 2008 presidential bid and pushed Palin as a running mate for the GOP nominee, launched a litany of attacks on the ex-governor.

"When the campaign ended I refused to let Sarah Palin speak," Schmidt wrote of the concession speech that he put into motion for McCain to offer on election night in Arizona. "I placed the phone call to Barack Obama for the concession and did everything I could to make sure a beautiful speech wasn't disgraced by the nut ball from Alaska."

He continued: "Palin understood the party of personal responsibility was dead and replaced by a whining victim cult of losers who routinely lied and blamed others for their failings. Palin went on the attack after the campaign. You see, it wasn't that she was ignorant and unprepared. It wasn't that she was a pathological liar who became intoxicated by fame and grievance. She was a victim!"

"John McCain's last words to Palin on election night were a warning," the former advisor wrote. "He said don't be pulled in 'by the extremists like Limbaugh.' It was too late and he knew it."

This smacks of Steve Schmidt trying to make himself sound way more fucking important than he really is.
Then you know little, he was the one that suggested McCain choose her for VP. It was only after dealing with her during the campaign, that he came to realize they made a huge mistake. She had not been properly vetted. Through personal experience, he came to know Palin and that is why he was able to make the conclusion that she is a liar.

Wait a minute! Are you saying a lying thief working in politics is saying that a different lying thief working in politics is a lying thief working in politics?

Somebody needs to alert the media!

What is common to ALL in politics, whether they are elected, appointed or just hired on to drain away the life blood of the country is that they are all lying thieves.

When one lying thief says another is a lying thief, it carries no weight. It's politics. They all steal and they all lie.

As citizens, we're like the guy who didn't report the theft of his credit cards because the thief was spending less than his wife spent when SHE had the cards.

We can only hope that the new lying thieves steal less than the old lying thieves. In view of both the debt and the rate of increase, our hopes are not being fulfilled.
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Shut-up about McCain- He had more balls than you will ever have in your lifetime!

Would have been president, if he would have ran with a decent VP candidate instead of a DIMWIT!

As a politician, McCain was a part of a group that are all a lying thieves.

He promised his constituents that he would work to undo the ACA. When given the chance to fulfill his promise, McCain voted to not do so.

If it didn't fly or explode, McCain didn't care about it. He was a bitter and vindictive politician who displayed few if any traits beyond power for hire and harsh recrimination when the opportunity was presented.

McCain was driven by hate. Hate served him well as an inspiring leader of prisoners in Viet Nam. His hate of his captors gave him the strength to persevere in a Hellish setting.

In politics, he hated Donald J. Trump. He hated Trump more than he loved keeping his promises. When he gave his famous thumbs down, he abandoned the promises he made to his constituents in favor of the hate he felt for Trump.
As a politician, McCain was a part of a group that are all a lying thieves.

He promised his constituents that he would work to undo the ACA. When given the chance to fulfill his promise, McCain voted to not do so.

If it didn't fly or explode, McCain didn't care about it. He was a bitter and vindictive politician who displayed few if any traits beyond power for hire and harsh recrimination when the opportunity was presented.

McCain was driven by hate. Hate served him well as an inspiring leader of prisoners in Viet Nam. His hate of his captors gave him the strength to persevere in a Hellish setting.

In politics, he hated Donald J. Trump. He hated Trump more than he loved keeping his promises. When he gave his famous thumbs down, he abandoned the promises he made to his constituents in favor of the hate he felt for Trump.

Yes, in the end, McCain redeemed himself.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

As well as circle the wagons around the likes of Gaetz, Jordan, Moore, Kavanaugh, etc.

That's true.

There once was a time, before Trump, when if a Republican became embroiled in a scandal, other prominent Republicans would call for that person to step down.