Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing

I would love to see what would happen in Canada if the government tried to take away their awful healthcare!

Hello amigo, long time!

Hey, Froggie.

People have been crying "wolf" for forty years! Even European countries have someone saying how their system is going to collapse but it continues, year after year.

Nothing but nonsense. Now we have a government drug prescription plan. People who have a plan through work or a private plan get to keep it but others (unemployed, self-employed) are obliged to pay into the government plan as my wife and I do. (I'm retired and my wife has a business.) The rates are comparable to an employer's plan and much cheaper than a private plan.

It can be done.
Sure, this government will just print more money, like Warren Buffet warned Obama not to do with his wild spending or we will become a Banana Republic.

Even Obama said he couldn't insure everyone.

The bottom line is this: Can the USA educate enough doctors, nurses, orderlies, etc. to look after the population? Yes or no? If yes, will the number of doctors and nurses needed result in shortages in other sectors such as auto makers or home repair folks or computer manufacturers, etc? If "no" then it can be done.

This is no great mystery. Countries with a fraction of the wealth of the US do it. Are people serious saying the US can't do it? It's insane! It's ridiculous. Absurd. Nobody in their right mind can believe that.

The question is, "Does the average US citizen want a society where some of the citizens can not afford health care?" It's got nothing to do with ability or resources.
Yeah! What would the former President of the Canadian Medical Association know about nationalized health care?! Fool!

You just don't care that you're a liar, do you damo? Just don't give a fuck.

Day appeared on the television network BNN on May 11, 2009 [7] stating that he has issued a letter dissociating himself from the ad, and that the sentences were extracted from a 40 minute interview from what he understood was going to be a longer documentary.

In a Washingtom Times article (May 2009)[missing citation], Day explained that he actually supports a government role in health care funding and delivery, and supports Obama's efforts to provide access to necessary health care for all currently under insured US citizens. He has always been a supporter of access for all that is not based on ability to pay but, unlike some of his detractors, he does not support a state monopoly in the delivery or funding of care.
Doooood, the pictures themselves are linked. *shrug*

LOLZ But in all seriousness, it would be nice not to see the comment "link please?" or "plagiarism" after people's posts...

You just don't care that you're a liar, do you damo? Just don't give a fuck.

Day appeared on the television network BNN on May 11, 2009 [7] stating that he has issued a letter dissociating himself from the ad, and that the sentences were extracted from a 40 minute interview from what he understood was going to be a longer documentary.

In a Washingtom Times article (May 2009)[missing citation], Day explained that he actually supports a government role in health care funding and delivery, and supports Obama's efforts to provide access to necessary health care for all currently under insured US citizens. He has always been a supporter of access for all that is not based on ability to pay but, unlike some of his detractors, he does not support a state monopoly in the delivery or funding of care.
When did EmoBoy make his return? Seriously. I make a sarcastic remark and you take it like I'm the mostest ever serioustest poster that ever existed?

Come on, EmoBoy... Even you could "hear" the deep sarcasm in the post, eh? Just look deep and be honest with yourself...

1. I mentioned nothing about ads.
2. This person is actually qualified and interviewing him is not something we should all be surprised about. It isn't like they just made up memos and started trying to get secretaries to channel their old boss or something. O'Reilly interviewed the former President of the CMA, he'd likely interview the current one and the upcoming one too. It isn't like he refuses to interview people like Obama.
No it isn't. The Conservatards don't have a majority, they can't make Canada an American state yet.

Exactly and if they don't kiss Quebec's ass, and I'm talking "French kissing" here :eek:, they'll be out the door quicker than a long tailed cat escaping a room full of rocking chairs. AHAHAHAHAHA

Harper walks a fine line. From government services to the Armed Forces he's on a tight leash.
You just don't care that you're a liar, do you damo? Just don't give a fuck.

Day appeared on the television network BNN on May 11, 2009 [7] stating that he has issued a letter dissociating himself from the ad, and that the sentences were extracted from a 40 minute interview from what he understood was going to be a longer documentary.

In a Washingtom Times article (May 2009)[missing citation], Day explained that he actually supports a government role in health care funding and delivery, and supports Obama's efforts to provide access to necessary health care for all currently under insured US citizens. He has always been a supporter of access for all that is not based on ability to pay but, unlike some of his detractors, he does not support a state monopoly in the delivery or funding of care.

i'm not surprised you ignored post doesn't comport with your world probably want to kill me now....
The bottom line is this: Can the USA educate enough doctors, nurses, orderlies, etc. to look after the population? Yes or no? If yes, will the number of doctors and nurses needed result in shortages in other sectors such as auto makers or home repair folks or computer manufacturers, etc? If "no" then it can be done.

This is no great mystery. Countries with a fraction of the wealth of the US do it. Are people serious saying the US can't do it? It's insane! It's ridiculous. Absurd. Nobody in their right mind can believe that.

The question is, "Does the average US citizen want a society where some of the citizens can not afford health care?" It's got nothing to do with ability or resources.

Geeze, do you know how long it takes to educate doctors? Many doctors here are opting out of Medicare and will not see the Medicare patients because of the socialism in medicare.

No, we want all citizen to have health care. There are already programs for the poor. Like I said, Obama told us that he would not be able to insure ALL of the uninsured. He also said the Canadian Health care would not work in the US. Of course who knows what he will say next week.

Yes, there need to be changes in our health care system, no one disagrees with that, but not Socialized medicine and the general public is agreeing with me. Obama = a one term president.
Geeze, do you know how long it takes to educate doctors? Many doctors here are opting out of Medicare and will not see the Medicare patients because of the socialism in medicare.

No, we want all citizen to have health care. There are already programs for the poor. Like I said, Obama told us that he would not be able to insure ALL of the uninsured. He also said the Canadian Health care would not work in the US. Of course who knows what he will say next week.

Yes, there need to be changes in our health care system, no one disagrees with that, but not Socialized medicine and the general public is agreeing with me. Obama = a one term president.

There are ways to cut down on doctor's visits and specialist's visits. For example, community health centers.

Let's say a person has a sore arm or a cut. They can visit a center and see a nurse. Maybe she knows what the problem is or can bandage the wound. If not, she recommends seeing a doctor or going to a hospital.

Some government programs work like that. Another example is one is required to visit a family doctor to get a referral to visit a specialist.

In my case I required strong pain medication after an accident. What experience does the average doctor have when it comes to pain? So, my family doctor referred me to a pain specialist.

The specialist deals, day in and day out, with pain patients. They can tell if one is simply after drugs or is in legitimate pain. Less than ten minutes in his office and his instructions are simple. He hands me a container of pills and instructs me to take one pill. Wait a certain period of time. If the pain doesn't go away take two pills for the next dose. Continue increasing the dosage until the pain has gone. Return to my family doctor and tell him how many pills I require. Then my family doctor writes out the necessary prescription.

Checks, balances and efficiency. And all free. Well, except for the medication of which a large portion was covered by the government prescription plan.

Also, all the pharmacies are connected to a central system so as soon as a prescription is filled one can not go to another drug store with a counterfeit prescription and get more meds which helps deal with the problem of illegal drug distribution.

It's natural it's going to take time to get everyone insured or a universal plan in place but one has to start somewhere and the start has to be of such intensity so as not to be reversed on political whim.

Every industrialized country has a medical plan. Surely that must tell the people something.
There are ways to cut down on doctor's visits and specialist's visits. For example, community health centers.

Let's say a person has a sore arm or a cut. They can visit a center and see a nurse. Maybe she knows what the problem is or can bandage the wound. If not, she recommends seeing a doctor or going to a hospital.

Some government programs work like that. Another example is one is required to visit a family doctor to get a referral to visit a specialist.

In my case I required strong pain medication after an accident. What experience does the average doctor have when it comes to pain? So, my family doctor referred me to a pain specialist.

The specialist deals, day in and day out, with pain patients. They can tell if one is simply after drugs or is in legitimate pain. Less than ten minutes in his office and his instructions are simple. He hands me a container of pills and instructs me to take one pill. Wait a certain period of time. If the pain doesn't go away take two pills for the next dose. Continue increasing the dosage until the pain has gone. Return to my family doctor and tell him how many pills I require. Then my family doctor writes out the necessary prescription.

Checks, balances and efficiency. And all free. Well, except for the medication of which a large portion was covered by the government prescription plan.

Also, all the pharmacies are connected to a central system so as soon as a prescription is filled one can not go to another drug store with a counterfeit prescription and get more meds which helps deal with the problem of illegal drug distribution.

It's natural it's going to take time to get everyone insured or a universal plan in place but one has to start somewhere and the start has to be of such intensity so as not to be reversed on political whim.

Every industrialized country has a medical plan. Surely that must tell the people something.

I see a Physician's Assist for my regular care. She took awesome care of me during my breast cancer ordeal and she is taking perfect care of me now that I am cancer free! Anytime she is stumped by something, she confers with the Dr., but she is so wonderful, I don't want to see the doctor.

I noticed when I was in the hospital having children and in cancer care that the nurses do so much. The doctor's just came in to catch my children, no complications and in the hospital, well, I had human "angels"
Founding Father of Canada's Socialized Medicine Rejects the Monster He Helped Create

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it," says Castonguay. But now he prescribes a radical overhaul: "We are proposing to give a greater role to the private sector so that people can exercise freedom of choice."

Hey, Froggie.

People have been crying "wolf" for forty years! Even European countries have someone saying how their system is going to collapse but it continues, year after year.

Nothing but nonsense. Now we have a government drug prescription plan. People who have a plan through work or a private plan get to keep it but others (unemployed, self-employed) are obliged to pay into the government plan as my wife and I do. (I'm retired and my wife has a business.) The rates are comparable to an employer's plan and much cheaper than a private plan.

It can be done.

Are there apples in the trees?
Founding Father of Canada's Socialized Medicine Rejects the Monster He Helped Create

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it," says Castonguay. But now he prescribes a radical overhaul: "We are proposing to give a greater role to the private sector so that people can exercise freedom of choice."

It would still be single-payer, I doubt it would control costs, and if it did it would just mean that Canadian healthcare would be EVEN CHEAPER AND EVEN BETTER than American care.
I'd bet he would if the guy would agree to go on the show. The current one is out learning how other people do things to work to fix their failing program and saying, "Competition should be welcomed not feared." The upcoming one is warning that change is coming and directly stating that the prescription is welcoming private health care back into Canada. While this wouldn't change their public option, it is definitely a step in the right direction for Canadians.

I'd prefer private insurance to the mess they are in any day. But then I'd prefer private insurance over government insurance any day so we could just avoid that mess to begin with...

I like the idea of everybody having coverage, don't so much like the idea of the government being the carrier.

Apparently, 90% of the Canadian People are, in your mind, too ignorant to know how bad their system really is.
Changing an evolving program is the intelligent thing to do, not like the stupidity that has taken place in this country since it was discovered things here weren't the pie in the sky Harry and Louise wanted us to believe, as do the naysayers today.
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Of course O'Reilly will have him on, belme. Just because you've decided what you think his agenda is, O'Reilly is not afraid, adverse, or unaccustomed to having people on that not only agree with him, but disagree with him as well. If you actually watched the show rather than the shows that "report on his show" like Jon Stewart's, you would realize you're full of prunes.

O'Reilly pisses everyone off. Left and Right and that you don't know this isn't a bad thing. You're just not very informed in this area is all.


What are the odds?
I see a Physician's Assist for my regular care. She took awesome care of me during my breast cancer ordeal and she is taking perfect care of me now that I am cancer free! Anytime she is stumped by something, she confers with the Dr., but she is so wonderful, I don't want to see the doctor.

I noticed when I was in the hospital having children and in cancer care that the nurses do so much. The doctor's just came in to catch my children, no complications and in the hospital, well, I had human "angels"

That reminds me when my daughter was born. The doctor and I were scrubbing up before going into the delivery room and he was telling me about a golf game. The nurse came into the scrub room and asked, "Do you two plan on coming in after the baby is born?" HA!

As soon as she was born he handed her to me and said, "This is yours." Then he cut the cord.