Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing

Again, there is NOTHING in the current proposals from that are circulating through the Congress that directs a bureaucrat to supercede/intervene/influence a doctor in this instance in any shape, manner or form. THE DOCTORS ARE ALREADY DOING THIS, AND WHERE DOING IT FOR A LONG, LONG TIME. What folk like you FAIL/REFUSE to understand is that the Obama proposals get medicare to cover the bill for counseling THAT IS ALREADY AN OPTION FOR FAMILY MEMBERS.

For the love of God, pull your head out of your ass (or Limbaughs', or WND, or Foxnews, or Hannity's or Newsmax)...even has called the neocon noise machine on this:

Except you and Obama want to put Federal dollars into the equation. *shrug*

Why do you keep linking to FactCheck? Its a George Soros organization.
Except you and Obama want to put Federal dollars into the equation. *shrug*

Why do you keep linking to FactCheck? Its a George Soros organization.

And there you have it folks, the irrational and childishly stubborn mindset of the willfully ignorant neocon parrot. has been used numerous times by BOTH SIDES of the political fence to debunk hype, distortions and lies. What our resident neocon clown here confuses is factcheck.COM, which is a Soros owned site. It's an easy mistake....especially if one DOES NOT READ what is on the site, as Southie obviously is prone to do. This results in his repeating an assertion that is disproved with facts and logic, as FactCheck.ORG clearly shows.

Southie cannot prove his he relies heavily on his opinion, supposition, conjecture and general proud ignorance on related matters. So much more to pity him.
And there you have it folks, the irrational and childishly stubborn mindset of the willfully ignorant neocon parrot. has been used numerous times by BOTH SIDES of the political fence to debunk hype, distortions and lies. What our resident neocon clown here confuses is factcheck.COM, which is a Soros owned site. It's an easy mistake....especially if one DOES NOT READ what is on the site, as Southie obviously is prone to do. This results in his repeating an assertion that is disproved with facts and logic, as FactCheck.ORG clearly shows.

Southie cannot prove his he relies heavily on his opinion, supposition, conjecture and general proud ignorance on related matters. So much more to pity him.
Ok, but you and Obama still want to put Federal dollars into the equation of "take the pain pill or treat the condition". That's a huge problem, isn't it? *shrug*
All page 21 does is to make the vet think about ending their life. They need to be encouraged, not this crap.

Ridiculous. It has nothing to do with them thinking about ending their lives, and everything about how their care should be handled if they can't make the decision at the time. Obviously you didn't read the entire booklet.
Doooodete, Bush removed the Death Manual from the VA.

A revised version of the manual actually came out during the bush administration (2001) and was used for 7 years. I guess he was for it before he was against it.

Also, bush didn't want vets to get other care they were entitled to, and they took the administration to court over it. bush only caved when his suit was rejected. Not exactly a champion of the military.

The Bush administration on Wednesday filed arguments in a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of San Francisco stating that veterans have no legal right to specific types of medical care, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The arguments were filed in response to a class-action lawsuit brought by veterans who claim they were illegally denied mental health treatment by the Department of Veterans Affairs (Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle, 2/5).

...In January, U.S. District Judge Samuel Conti rejected the government's attempt to have the case dismissed, ruling that federal law entitles veterans to health care for a period of two years after leaving the service (Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, 1/11). A bill signed by President Bush last week extends the period from two to five years.
Ridiculous. It has nothing to do with them thinking about ending their lives, and everything about how their care should be handled if they can't make the decision at the time. Obviously you didn't read the entire booklet.

Yeah, it's ridiculous you think it wouldn't have an affect on them...damn ridiculous.
So you admit it's a death matrix?

If you mean the topic is death, yes, but the compassion involved in this intance seems to be beyond your comprehension.
The life is mine, the death is mine, thus the decision is mine to prevent forcing my family to make a decision I should have had the courage to make on my own.
The doctor tells the family it's hopeless? Pull the plug, that's what his living will stipulates. You as a good Conservative would interfere?
If you mean the topic is death, yes, but the compassion involved in this intance seems to be beyond your comprehension.
The life is mine, the death is mine, thus the decision is mine to prevent forcing my family to make a decision I should have had the courage to make on my own.
The doctor tells the family it's hopeless? Pull the plug, that's what his living will stipulates. You as a good Conservative would interfere?
No one's arguing against compassion, unless you include the bureaucrats who would run the program, who must oversee a budget.
No one's arguing against compassion, unless you include the bureaucrats who would run the program, who must oversee a budget.

That is exactly what you're arguing against. It's just that you will say anything, regardless of truth, to spin against a healthcare bill with the name Obama or a 'D' on it. You can't even be truthful with yourself.
You can get booklets like this from lawyers, hospitals or funeral directors. I suppose you think it's all a big conspiracy to promote euthanasia. :rolleyes:

Yes, I know you can, but I am talking just about page 21. It's idiotic and should be taken out and flushed down the toilet. I understand the VA is working now to revise it.

Conservatives for Patients' Rights commercial controversy
In May 2009, Day drew fire from critics by appearing in a television ad [5] for a US lobby group called Conservatives for Patients' Rights that argues against Obama's healthcare reform plan.

The ad campaign is organized by Creative Response Concepts, the public relations firm group most famous for the Swift Vets and POWs for Truth ads against against 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry [6].

Day appeared on the television network BNN on May 11, 2009 [7] stating that he has issued a letter dissociating himself from the ad, and that the sentences were extracted from a 40 minute interview from what he understood was going to be a longer documentary.

In a Washingtom Times article (May 2009)[missing citation], Day explained that he actually supports a government role in health care funding and delivery, and supports Obama's efforts to provide access to necessary health care for all currently under insured US citizens. He has always been a supporter of access for all that is not based on ability to pay but, unlike some of his detractors, he does not support a state monopoly in the delivery or funding of care.

Conservatives for Patients' Rights commercial controversy
In May 2009, Day drew fire from critics by appearing in a television ad [5] for a US lobby group called Conservatives for Patients' Rights that argues against Obama's healthcare reform plan.

The ad campaign is organized by Creative Response Concepts, the public relations firm group most famous for the Swift Vets and POWs for Truth ads against against 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry [6].

Day appeared on the television network BNN on May 11, 2009 [7] stating that he has issued a letter dissociating himself from the ad, and that the sentences were extracted from a 40 minute interview from what he understood was going to be a longer documentary.

In a Washingtom Times article (May 2009)[missing citation], Day explained that he actually supports a government role in health care funding and delivery, and supports Obama's efforts to provide access to necessary health care for all currently under insured US citizens. He has always been a supporter of access for all that is not based on ability to pay but, unlike some of his detractors, he does not support a state monopoly in the delivery or funding of care.
