Fossil Record Shows Complete Record of MACROevolution (if you want to use that word)

lol seriously you pinheads crack me up! You run your mouths over and over but none of you make any sense! Let me put it in baby terms so that you might be able to wrap your pinhead brains around this simply concept. All this video shows us is how complicated life is. To suggest that this happens by random events is completely UNPROVEN. Did watches evolve into grandfather clocks? OF COURSE NOT. But this is EXACTLY what you guys are saying! Pocketwatches evolving into grandfather clocks spontaneously and randomly. Just one day, and poof!!, I suppose my pocketwatch will be a grandfather clock anyday now!

Considering how much more complicated the human body is compared to a pocketwatch, just shows how assinine and deluded you pinheads are. If a watch has an intelligent designer, man must have one too. It's simple logic, but I won't hold my breath to see you pinheads come around anytime soon
lol seriously you pinheads crack me up! You run your mouths over and over but none of you make any sense! Let me put it in baby terms so that you might be able to wrap your pinhead brains around this simply concept. All this video shows us is how complicated life is. To suggest that this happens by random events is completely UNPROVEN. Did watches evolve into grandfather clocks? OF COURSE NOT. But that is basically what you guys are suggesting, pocketwatches evolving into grandfather clocks spontaneously and randomly. Just one day, and poof, I suppose my pocketwatch will be a grandfather clock!

Considering how much more complicated the human body is compared to a pocketwatch, just shows how assinane and deluded you pinheads are. If a watch has an intelligent designer, man must have one too. It's simple logic, but I won't hold my breath to see you pinheads come around anytime soon

It's obvious you're a Dixietroll, but at the same time I fail to see any difference in reasoning ability between you and the real Dixie. This seems like it could easily be one of the arguments he would attempt.

Was that the sound you made when you fell on your head?

Look, you goofy bitch, all I see is an old fossil with his chart! That doesn't "prove" anything except what an utter moron you are. In order for your theory to be correct, it would take defying the impossible, not just one time, but millions of times over! Science and biology has NEVER observed anything to indicate a specific genus or species of living organism has EVER transformed into a completely different genus or species of living organism. It defies everything we know about biology.

Go back to the very beginning. By your theory, there was but ONE living organism, a single cell creature of some kind. It became a multi-cell creature, but from there, at some point, it had to spawn something different than what it was originally, in order for there to be something other than the original creature. This is scientifically unsound, as we have no evidence to show this has EVER happened. But for your theory to be correct, it had to have happened, not just one fluke time, but MILLIONS of fluke times! Do you not understand the profound level of retardation it takes to honestly believe the impossible happened millions of times?

And hypothetically speaking, what IF it did happen? All of the billions of life forms we currently observe on Earth, all emerged from an original single organism.... that is pretty fucking astounding! That all of these forms of life which are totally interdependent on each other to survive and exist, came about from 'evolution' of a single organism! This puts Jack's Magic Beanstalk beans to shame! This blows sea monkeys totally out of the water! To think this one tiny little organism somehow had the wherewithal to emerge into billions of interdependent forms of life, and it was all just pure chance! Take special note in your retard coloring book of the word "interdependent" because it is important. I know it's a big word, but what it means is, virtually every form of living organism is somehow dependent on some other organism(s), and couldn't survive without it. Now you want us to accept that all of these organisms just so happened to find their way to what is now the human being. Capable of astounding feats of intelligence and accomplishment, finding beauty through art and music, exploring the universe, and yes... embracing spirituality and faith in God. All of this (by your theory) began as a single-cell living organism which did the impossible millions of times, just because the right chemical components emerged at the right time and place, and under the perfect conditions on a planet which was totally conducive to these millions of life forms.

I don't think your theory is correct, but IF it is, I think it is the strongest most profound evidence to date, for an intelligent designer and master planner. There really is no other logical way to explain it.
One species evolves into another species.

????.....this is micro evolution....a single creature adapting to changing weather conditions.....why are you calling it macro-evolution......

Macroevolution generally refers to evolution above the species level. So instead of focusing on an individual beetle species, a macroevolutionary lens might require that we zoom out on the tree of life, to assess the diversity of the entire beetle clade and its position on the tree.
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Was that the sound you made when you fell on your head?

Look, you goofy bitch, all I see is an old fossil with his chart! That doesn't "prove" anything except what an utter moron you are. In order for your theory to be correct, it would take defying the impossible, not just one time, but millions of times over! Science and biology has NEVER observed anything to indicate a specific genus or species of living organism has EVER transformed into a completely different genus or species of living organism. It defies everything we know about biology.

Go back to the very beginning. By your theory, there was but ONE living organism, a single cell creature of some kind. It became a multi-cell creature, but from there, at some point, it had to spawn something different than what it was originally, in order for there to be something other than the original creature. This is scientifically unsound, as we have no evidence to show this has EVER happened. But for your theory to be correct, it had to have happened, not just one fluke time, but MILLIONS of fluke times! Do you not understand the profound level of retardation it takes to honestly believe the impossible happened millions of times?

And hypothetically speaking, what IF it did happen? All of the billions of life forms we currently observe on Earth, all emerged from an original single organism.... that is pretty fucking astounding! That all of these forms of life which are totally interdependent on each other to survive and exist, came about from 'evolution' of a single organism! This puts Jack's Magic Beanstalk beans to shame! This blows sea monkeys totally out of the water! To think this one tiny little organism somehow had the wherewithal to emerge into billions of interdependent forms of life, and it was all just pure chance! Take special note in your retard coloring book of the word "interdependent" because it is important. I know it's a big word, but what it means is, virtually every form of living organism is somehow dependent on some other organism(s), and couldn't survive without it. Now you want us to accept that all of these organisms just so happened to find their way to what is now the human being. Capable of astounding feats of intelligence and accomplishment, finding beauty through art and music, exploring the universe, and yes... embracing spirituality and faith in God. All of this (by your theory) began as a single-cell living organism which did the impossible millions of times, just because the right chemical components emerged at the right time and place, and under the perfect conditions on a planet which was totally conducive to these millions of life forms.

I don't think your theory is correct, but IF it is, I think it is the strongest most profound evidence to date, for an intelligent designer and master planner. There really is no other logical way to explain it.


ask and I shall recieve.

Dixie, you're like the only poster who can write like 5 paragraphs of rhetoric and hyperbole, without making a single, compelling and substantive case based logic and facts.
the problem that seculars run into is failing to recognize that a fossil is not evidence of transition......the fact that creature A existed and that creature B existed is not evidence that creature B evolved from creature A......seculars believe as a matter of faith that there is transition, but the transition is not in itself, science, since it is not testable.......

ask and I shall recieve.

Dixie, you're like the only poster who can write like 5 paragraphs of rhetoric and hyperbole, without making a single, compelling and substantive case based logic and facts.

yeah, and where is your compelling and substantive case based on logic and facts? :pke:
the problem that seculars run into is failing to recognize that a fossil is not evidence of transition......the fact that creature A existed and that creature B existed is not evidence that creature B evolved from creature A......seculars believe as a matter of faith that there is transition, but the transition is not in itself, science, since it is not testable.......


Okay, so the fossils are found in different strata representing different periods of history. They don't exist prior to the strata they're found in or afterward. So if they didn't evolve, God had to create independent fully developed life forms once every epoch.

That's WAY more reasonable than showing fossils making gradual changes over time.