Fossil Record Shows Complete Record of MACROevolution (if you want to use that word)

Dude, how many times do you have to be told you have it ass backwards. Damn, I thought Dixie was obtuse. spend all your time crowing about how much smarter you are than others, but zero time proving it......if you think I have it ass backwards, post what it looks like, ass frontwards.....(warning, this is a secret test to determine just how juvenile you are!)......
That's an impossible proposition. How can I prove to you anything scientifically when you (and your damend here by your own words) don't know what science is?
lol....."I don't have to be smart, because you're dumb".....apparently your prowess at debate is another thing that the atheists here accept on faith....belief without evidence....

Again, that's a question that demonstrates once again you do not understand what science is. You're just playing raise the bar. You want me to prove absolutely to you the truth of macroevolution and if you understood science and how it works and how all science is tentative you'd understand that's not possible. As for the causation of macroevolution it's the shift in allele frequency within a population over time, vast periods of time.

I'm going to assume that you can remember what it actually is you are trying to prove (since the alternative is to believe you are dodging the question)....awe heck, in retrospect that would be a stupid assumption......I didn't ask you to lay out a different thesis (the causation of macro evolution), I asked you to provide evidence of the causation of homologies....
I think I've given him enough time.....apparently you folks put too much hope in your ringer.....he couldn't even find his way back into the ring......
lol....."I don't have to be smart, because you're dumb".....apparently your prowess at debate is another thing that the atheists here accept on faith....belief without evidence....

I'm going to assume that you can remember what it actually is you are trying to prove (since the alternative is to believe you are dodging the question)....awe heck, in retrospect that would be a stupid assumption......I didn't ask you to lay out a different thesis (the causation of macro evolution), I asked you to provide evidence of the causation of homologies....

Jesus H Christ dude, you're worse then Dixie. You ask a question or for evidence and then when it's provided to you you just completely ignore it. I answered your question. Go back and read!
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Mott....I know you've logged in three times since my last post.....are you running or researching?....
I'm pretty much ignoring you. You haven't said anything that makes sense. You obviously don't know much about science or biology and you keep ignoring the evidence provided you and you keep making stupid circular arguments. Let me ask you this. What is to be gained with arguing with someone like you who is willfully ignorant of the topic at hand? There's a continued theme here. You ask for evidence, it is provided to you, and then you ignore it and either ask the same question over again or make another circular argument. Its weak dude and unless you can get up to speed and can demonstrate that you even have an understanding of the topic (Yes, I'm challenging you. I don't think you know what evolutionary theory is and I"m still waiting to hear your answer on that and my other questons which you keep ignoring) and make an actual argument and stop wasting my time I'm pretty much going to ignore you.
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since you made no effort, AGAIN, to back up your claim, I'm going to stick with my earlier claim of pwnage......if you ever care to engage in debate again, just make another foolish statement....I'll be happy to call you on it.....
since you made no effort, AGAIN, to back up your claim, I'm going to stick with my earlier claim of pwnage......if you ever care to engage in debate again, just make another foolish statement....I'll be happy to call you on it.....
How can you claim pwnge when you can't read and you don't understand the subject being discussed nor are you even willing to even demonstrate an understanding of the subject being discussed. Dude, give it up or say something relevant that shows you have even just the most basic understanding of the topic at hand. You're not really giving me anything to work with here other than proving a disposition for ignoring what other say.
How can you claim pwnge when you can't read and you don't understand the subject being discussed nor are you even willing to even demonstrate an understanding of the subject being discussed.
It's quite simple actually....since you are afraid to debate someone who "doesn't understand the subject being discussed", it obviously makes you severly "pwned"......

look, we all know what's really going on here.....there isn't any evidence of causation of homologies and you're just too embarrassed to admit you'd rather look janky than stupid.....I understand....but at least don't pretend that you've even tried.....