Four Questions For Brent

it falls outside the realm of logic. Whatever path it is on falls outside of all logical possibilities. A, B, Both, Neither. That is all there is, yet it is none of these that it is traversing. There are many things that fall outside of logic in the quantum field. The EPR paradox is one of the most mind boggling occurrances ever observed, so much so that in fact Einstein referred to its implications as "spooky".

It is these bizarre leaps from the classical field that prompted Shroedinger to make is analogy that became known as Schroedinger's Cat.
We simply haven't yet found that unknown possibility. Anyway, when it is found and described with math it will be well within logic. Math can make no other expression. Many things we don't understand and that seem counterintuitive are explained using mathematics. This too will go there.
You have 2 slits. The electron can pass through slit A, slit B, both slits, or neither slit. 4 logical possibilities. They can experimentally eliminate all 4 possibilities, yet the electron still arrives at the detector behind the slits.

It defies logic, and is not based on logic.

Not sure this really defies logic, sounds to me that we don't know all the variables that drives the electron to the detector.
Exactly. Over time we will likely find out.
I think it is. Why would it not be 'fair' to apply such reasoning? What is fundamentally funny is the idea that responses must be only one word so that they can be easily dumped by a fifty word response by the other.

Saying that a human could be wrong about something is not proving them wrong.

And now we're in my territory. The new nihilists proclaim self doubt as the highest good.
We simply haven't yet found that unknown possibility. Anyway, when it is found and described with math it will be well within logic. Math can make no other expression. Many things we don't understand and that seem counterintuitive are explained using mathematics. This too will go there.

Very true. All maths is entirely a priori logic.
The new nihilists proclaim self doubt as the highest good.

Who are these people, and why are they called nihilists if they believe that self doubt is the highest good?

Are you thinking of those that declare absolute knowledge is impossible?
"All things that happen have good reasons why they happpen. We just are not smart enough to explain why they happen.
Sins aganist Gods and evil spirits cause disease and illness, the world is flat, etc...
These were once FACTS."

All things SEEM to happen "for a good reason".

All we can deal with is how things seem.