Fox gave Trump questions

Anything but surprising, but what is comical is how Fox now says they will investigate, yeah right, Americans know Fox has been in the bag for Trump since he descended down the escalator, you don’t lose a three quarter of a billion dollar lawsuit if you weren’t a propaganda site
You know, it doesn't matter. trump will never face any consequences for anything. It's like he's got a deal with the devil. Fuck him up the ass with the devil's dick.
5 living presidents only one wife missing... No big mention of the Cheneys being absent... But he is eighty three years old and has health problems... So there is that... Michelle just couldn't leave Hawaii...

Leave it to you to virtue-signal all over the forum for the last week about "President Carter" and "respect." Then you turn his funeral into a political club over an issue no one but you noticed or cared about. But yeah, you're so "nice" and "caring" and a "better person."

Well, even though your attempted deflection is weak,
Deflection from what? I was talking to TOP.

we’ll play,

I’m game

Harris will be just fine, she showed she has ability assembling and running a campaign for President in just three months time talk,

And she failed miserably.

your comb over could have never done that,

Yet he’s only the second ever to get reelected after losing. Amazing achievement.

and if she decides to recenter politics, there exists talk of her running for Governor when Newsom’s term expires next year.

They can’t stand her in CA. Or anywhere else for that matter.
Except maybe S.F. I suggest she run for city council in the Castro District. She has a good shot there, even for being straight. She’ll get the street whore demographic for sure.
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It's not relevant that did everything they could to help that idiot win. Leftists stupid and incompetent

Mostly incompetent. Even with the vast majority of corporations, billionaires, nearly all the MSM carrying water for them, and cheating like mad, they managed to lose Bigly. lol now the Red Chinese will look around for more effective traitors to bribe. Joe and Kamala failed them.