Fox News Host is for tasering "anyone" in Code Pink


Will work for Scooby snacks
Family Values...

Fox host 'for Tasing anyone in Code Pink' after Hillary heckled

A Fox News morning host has a novel idea to handle those pesky Code Pink protesters who disrupt political events and Congressional hearings: 50,000 volts of electricity.

Brian Kilmead shared his ever-so-evolved views on crowd control Monday morning in a Fox & Friends discussion of a Code Pink-disrupted Hillary Clinton speech. His answer to annoying anti-war types? Tasers or Billy clubs....

The Fox hosts used the disruption to remind viewers of Code Pink’s habit of disrupting Capitol Hill hearings, and they re-played the famous “don’t Tase me bro” sound-bite from a University of Florida student earlier this year. The student’s screams seemed to delight the hosts, and Kilmead clearly wanted to hear more of them.

“I would be for Tasing anyone in Code Pink,” he says. “I’m pro-Pink Tasing.”

What a primate. Something tells me this Kilmead dude is comfortable using worlds like b*tch, c*nt, slut, whore, when he's online anonymously.
Family Values...

What a primate. Something tells me this Kilmead dude is comfortable using worlds like b*tch, c*nt, slut, whore, when he's online anonymously.

Brian Kilmead is a sarcastic jokster--even the FOX staff laugh their asses off at him for being so over the top. Don't expect him to jump up and down with glee if a code pinker is ever tasered. HE'S BEING A GOOFBALL.
Brian Kilmead is a sarcastic jokster--even the FOX staff laugh their asses off at him for being so over the top. Don't expect him to jump up and down with glee if a code pinker is ever tasered. HE'S BEING A GOOFBALL.

Yeah, tasering women is funny.
why do you torture yourself watching fox
I only watch it for comedy
watching Hannity whine like the little ghestapo bitch that he is makes me laugh.
cypress quit being a facetious little bitch. the guy obviously was not serious.

You like that word, bitch, don't you? Don't worrry Grind. I know you don't think what this guy said was inappropriate. I know where you're coming from.


Grind (to Desh): will someone please shut this dumb bitch up?

Grind (to Desh): will someone please shoot this bitch between the eyes?

Grind (to Lady Saoirse): Quit being a cunt.

Grind (to Lady Saoirse): I can assure you that few of us have forgotten the wretched qualities of our resident cunt-queen.

Grind (to Dar_La): Someone has to have the last word…why the fuck should it be you? Dumb bitch.

Grind (to Lady Saoirse): listen cunt-queen, want me to go through all your grammar errors?

Grind (to Desh): shut the fuck up you dumb cunt.

Grind (to Desh): you ASSUME i denied it cause you are fucking retarded moonbat cunt.

Grind (to Desh): in case you didn't notice you dumb cunt, lots of people think your theories are full of shit. not just me.

Grind (to Storeiz4U): I don't believe, for the BILLIONTH FUCKING TIME you miserable cunt

Grind (To Desh): The reason desh is being a hypocrite - is... you guessed it... because she is a hypocritical, selfish, hyper-partisan dumb bitch
Those were some good times. Though I can't believe I said that to darla though :( I'm sorry darla you know I love ya..

Saoirse deserved every bit of it by the way, and then some.
Those were some good times. Though I can't believe I said that to darla though :( I'm sorry darla you know I love ya..

Saoirse deserved every bit of it by the way, and then some.

It’s ok Grind I didn’t even notice. Who is this Sairose? She must have been something to have so many of the men hating her that much. I wish I had known her.
It’s ok Grind I didn’t even notice. Who is this Sairose? She must have been something to have so many of the men hating her that much. I wish I had known her.

She was the old liberal "queen".

I have the unique distinction of being, at various times, one of her biggest supporters and biggest naysayers. But whenever she posted back in the days she was definitely one of the big dogs. She kind of dropped off after we moved to FP. She's gotten back on every once in a while, but I'm not sure she even has an account at this site.
Many liked her but she was perhaps the most patronizing, condesending person I have ever known. What cypress's quotes fail to illustrate is that sao would pretty much berate me for years before I had ever made a personal attack against her.

And whenever she started losing an argument she would just bring up her dead husband so you would feel sorry for her. Naturally, I was one of the first that such tactics failed to work on.

Many other of the above quotes don't take into account the fact that certain people were slandering me and telling outright lies... which leads me to feel happily justified in such targetted language.

I know cypress likes to pretend I'm this guy that just is brutal to everyone but at the end of the day there are only three people I have never gotten along with civially . .desh, saoirise, and cypress.
Don't you just love it whenever Cypress resorts to bringing out age old out of context quotes and making personal attacks as a substitute for an argument?
Those were some good times. Though I can't believe I said that to darla though :( I'm sorry darla you know I love ya..

Saoirse deserved every bit of it by the way, and then some.

Saoirse was cool. She was opinionted, confrontational, and liberal.
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Yeah, that's how I work. Attack everybody in an argument, every single side, and that way you can have more fun, since everyone is against you.
Many liked her but she was perhaps the most patronizing, condesending person I have ever known. What cypress's quotes fail to illustrate is that sao would pretty much berate me for years before I had ever made a personal attack against her.

And whenever she started losing an argument she would just bring up her dead husband so you would feel sorry for her. Naturally, I was one of the first that such tactics failed to work on.

Many other of the above quotes don't take into account the fact that certain people were slandering me and telling outright lies... which leads me to feel happily justified in such targetted language.

I know cypress likes to pretend I'm this guy that just is brutal to everyone but at the end of the day there are only three people I have never gotten along with civially . .desh, saoirise, and cypress.

grind, I hardly every talk to you, and have been biting my tongue when I run across posts where you gossip about me, in slanderous ways. Today, I didn't bite my tongue.

Just chill, and forget about it. I don't hate you. I don't even really think about you. Water under the bridge dude.
grind, I hardly every talk to you, and have been biting my tongue when I run across posts where you gossip about me, in slanderous ways. Today, I didn't bite my tongue.

Just chill, and forget about it. I don't hate you. I don't even really think about you. Water under the bridge dude.

The stuff I say is not slanderous. You are a lying facetious p.o.s.
watermark I get along with plenty of liberals on this board do you really think the reason I didn't like sao was because she was liberal? nigga please.