Fox News ratings soar, beating CNN and MSNBC combined

If this is an example of your debating skills, you really need to find a new hobby.

Most educated people have cut the cable and get their news from many sources, the people in flyover country who are poorly educated with poor critical thinking skills and are not readers still use cable and fox "news" as their source
Most educated people have cut the cable and get their news from many sources, the people in flyover country who are poorly educated with poor critical thinking skills and are not readers still use cable and fox "news" as their source

That's nothing but your opinion.
Interesting. I wonder if America is finally getting wise to these impostors.

And it, plus the other two if you want to add them in, aren't even in the ballpark when compared to the Network's News programs

MSNBC and Fox are purposely designed to target select audiences, meaning, the vast majority of those watching them already drink the Kool Aid, it is like preaching to the choir
And it, plus the other two if you want to add them in, aren't even in the ballpark when compared to the Network's News programs

MSNBC and Fox are purposely designed to target select audiences, meaning, the vast majority of those watching them already drink the Kool Aid, it is like preaching to the choir
You forgot CNN.
Interesting. I wonder if America is finally getting wise to these impostors.

Probably because liberals don't fawn over a stupid news channel. My Mom worked in an assisted living home, and Fox news was basically white noise for some of those poor saps. The youthful adult generation from 18-35 get news off of the internet. They are out doing stuff, and just get notifications. I haven't watched any of those channels in ages, as I always noted you got better news from John Stewart, then any of those 3 really. Considering he left like 4 years ago, it shows how long it's been. The question is, as older generations disappear, where will Fox be in the future?
Probably because liberals don't fawn over a stupid news channel. My Mom worked in an assisted living home, and Fox news was basically white noise for some of those poor saps. The youthful adult generation from 18-35 get news off of the internet. They are out doing stuff, and just get notifications. I haven't watched any of those channels in ages, as I always noted you got better news from John Stewart, then any of those 3 really. Considering he left like 4 years ago, it shows how long it's been. The question is, as older generations disappear, where will Fox be in the future?

News from Jon Stuart? How embarrassing. But explains alot
fox news, the choice of stay at home ssi recipients and the poorly educated who have fox on 24 / 7

Interesting. I wonder if America is finally getting wise to these impostors.


The most popular beer in America is Budweiser. Nevermind that it is swill. They recommend you serve it ice cold so you can’t tell the difference between it and horse piss.