Fox News ratings soar, beating CNN and MSNBC combined


The most popular beer in America is Budweiser. Nevermind that it is swill. They recommend you serve it ice cold so you can’t tell the difference between it and horse piss.
I call all those beers "water beer". I actually prefer them on a warm summer day. Way more refreshing than craft beer.
CNN isn't biased like the others, if much at all. It just tries too hard, and has been a kind of lame duck.

I rarely watch TV but the few times I happen to catch CNN in the fitness club I find it to be very tabloid. Fox would be far better without Hannity.
fox news, the choice of stay at home ssi recipients and the poorly educated who have fox on 24 / 7

Yeah, those poor welfare recipients are scum. I remember when Democrats used to defend these people and depend on them for their support.
Most all in America are slanted. PBS radio isn't bad. I find it's slanted but they make an attempt to present both sides of most issues.
Brian Williams is a complete phony. Always has been.

PBS has fairly thorough stories. Their slant is the subjects they choose---how many different variations of transsexuals can they do?