Fox News viewers ranked among Dumbest in the Nation

Hmmm... actually, what the numbers show is that the more informed viewers are the ones that listen/watch the op ed shows. As the O'Reiley factor, Rush Limbaugh, Colbert, Daily Show are all in the top tier whereas the local news, evening news and cable news (fox) are all on par with the national average. CNN is the exception to the regular news programing and falls in between the op-ed shows and the rest of the news shows.
Hmmm... actually, what the numbers show is that the more informed viewers are the ones that listen/watch the op ed shows. As the O'Reiley factor, Rush Limbaugh, Colbert, Daily Show are all in the top tier whereas the local news, evening news and cable news (fox) are all on par with the national average. CNN is the exception to the regular news programing and falls in between the op-ed shows and the rest of the news shows.

Most people who watch op-ed shows are people who are interested in, hence, more informed of politics and what is going on in the world. Normal news watchers (I like CNN) are somewhat passive in their interest, hence, a bit less informed. I would bet that half of the nation doesn't even watch any news programming, but that would just be a guess.......based on how clueless so many of my acquaintences are concerning current events.
I notice you ignored that the O'Reilly Factor as well as Rush Limbaugh's program were listed among those who are most knowledgeable...

There are substantial differences in the knowledge levels of the audiences for different news outlets. However, there is no clear connection between news formats and what audiences know. Well-informed audiences come from cable (Daily Show/Colbert Report, O'Reilly Factor), the internet (especially major newspaper websites), broadcast TV (NewsHour with Jim Lehrer) and radio (NPR, Rush Limbaugh's program).

And that the less informed include the network news shows and morning shows...

The less informed audiences also frequent a mix of formats: broadcast television (network morning news shows, local news), cable (Fox News Channel), and the internet (online blogs where people discuss news events).

I do notice that they only mention Fox News Channel as an example of Cable News, but it is listed as an example after a more generic mention of "Cable News Shows".
I knew the Fox News fans would rush to parse the results, to minimize the fact that, ON BALANCE, fox news viewers are less informed than CNN viewers, and broadcast news viewers. And that regular Fox viewers rank near the bottom.

However, parse and spin away from this inconvenient fact. ;)
leaning... I agree. Those that view/listen to the op ed shows are the more interested and thus they are better informed. But cypress doesn't care about that. He just wants to express his elitist views that liberals are smarter... very typical of the elitist... trying to find anyway to make themselves feel more important.
Cypress... try reading the actual numbers that were in YOUR article.

Fox news, broadcast news... were BOTH at 35%. To compare apples to apples, they are on par with everyone but CNN who is at 41%.

But if you like to compare apples to oranges, then the numbers show that O'Reily and Rush are better than CNN.... do you really think that EITHER of those are better news sources than CNN? Or is it just as leaning AND YOUR article suggest, that the more informed are the ones that are most interested in politics/current events and they also are the ones that make up the viewers/listeners of the op-ed shows.
I knew the Fox News fans would rush to parse the results, to minimize the fact that, ON BALANCE, fox news viewers are less informed than CNN viewers, and broadcast news viewers. And that regular Fox viewers rank near the bottom.

However, parse and spin away from this inconvenient fact. ;)
And CNN viewers were barely above the average of 35% with 6% more....

Something to chime in and be proud of. However Rush Limbaugh's listeners were at least above 50%, along with O'Reilly and others mentioned as knowledgeable.

Spin indeed, Cypress.

Those who watched network news were at only 38% as opposed to 35% for Fox News. (Notice those are actually watching the news rather than the editorial shows where they actually get informed.)

It trends more towards interest, according to your own story, than source.
I also noticed that you failed to mention all of the interesting results...

Other demographic differences are also striking. Men, on average, knew more than women, all other factors being equal. Older Americans - particularly those 50 years old or older - did better than younger people. Whites scored better than blacks, while more affluent Americans knew more than those with lower household incomes.
This thread was about Fox News Channel, damo. Not the O'Reilly show.

Simple question: On balance, do regular viewers of Fox News rank near the bottom, below other cable and broadcast news channels?

Yes, or no?
This thread was about Fox News Channel, damo. Not the O'Reilly show.

Simple question: On balance, do regular viewers of Fox News rank near the bottom, below other cable and broadcast news channels?

Yes, or no?
Yes. I mentioned that in my analysis of the article. However, CNN is not significantly higher than the Network News shows that are also among the lower tier. You consistently ignore the bad news to shout "You are dumber!"

When it is a factor of results showing that in all americans are stupid and you want to point out hey they are marginally stupider, it really is a program full of failure.

You can either recognize that the results are sad for almost all aspects and that the most informed are interested in shows like Rush's that editorialize, or you can continue to press "These people are marginally dumber than we are dumb!" Either way, it matters little to me. I won't celebrate failure.
You choose not to answer my very simple question damo.

The correct answer is: YES, Fox News Channel viewers on balance, are less informed than other news channels.

Please review the title of my thread: It was about Fox News Channnel. Not the O'Reilly Show. Or the Chris Mathews show. I understand that the audience for political punditry shows are generally more informed about current political events.

The point is, that FOX NEWS CHANNEL does a poor job OVERALL of informing its viewers.

Next weekend, take your TV remote. And click over to Fox News every 20 minutes. You'll barely see any real news. It'll be mostly crap about Anna Nicole Smith; some kidnapped white girl somewhere, or some white girl missing in Aruba.
You choose not to answer my very simple question damo.

The correct answer is: YES, Fox News Channel viewers on balance, are less informed than other news channels.

Please review the title of my thread: It was about Fox News Channnel. Not the O'Reilly Show. Or the Chris Mathews show. I understand that the audience for political punditry shows are generally more informed about current political events.

The point is, that FOX NEWS CHANNEL does a poor job OVERALL of informing its viewers.

Next weekend, take your TV remote. And click over to Fox News every 20 minutes. You'll barely see any real news. It'll be mostly crap about Anna Nicole Smith; some kidnapped white girl somewhere, or some white girl missing in Aruba.
What was the first word of my last post, Cypress? In fact, it was the first sentence. I answered your question with one word. Read it again.

You are being deliberately disingenuous to spin your point and attempting to limit further and deeper research of the very article you posted. You want everybody to ignore the miserable results across the board and only see that those who watch General News on Fox Channel are least capable of answering those questions. I agreed with that, then worked into a deeper analysis of the whole of the article while you are still stuck on that one tiny point.
Cypress Fox News in the name of the network so the idea of your initial post is that if you watch that channel regularly you would not be as smart. But if you were someone who tunned in for the factor that wouldn't apply to you. So because it is painting with a broad brush it is misleading.

It would be more appropriate to simply say Viewers of general news on FNC are among the least educated.
Also Cypress, you are ignoring the very article you are referencing. THE lowest are the regular news shows. CNN is the only one that is shows a statistical difference (ie outside the margin of error... which has to be at least 3% on a study like this)

So get off your friggin high horse and shut your piehole. I know you want to believe that you are more intelligent, but every time you open your mouth, you prove otherwise.
Also Cypress, you are ignoring the very article you are referencing. THE lowest are the regular news shows. CNN is the only one that is shows a statistical difference (ie outside the margin of error... which has to be at least 3% on a study like this)

So get off your friggin high horse and shut your piehole. I know you want to believe that you are more intelligent, but every time you open your mouth, you prove otherwise.

touchy, touchy this morning, aren't we? ;)

Simple question: Did Fox News Channel rank near the bottom, or not? Yes or No? Please don't give me anything about the O'Reilly Show. The O"Reilly show was never mentioned in my thread title, or by me.

This thread is about the Fox News Channel.
The results about Fox News in the current study, echo findings of previous surveys.

In 2003, University of Maryland researchers studied the public’s belief in three false claims — that Iraq possessed WMD, that Iraq was involved in 9/11, and that there was international support for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

The researchers stated, “The extent of Americans’ misperceptions vary significantly depending on their source of news. Those who receive most of their news from Fox News are more likely than average to have misperceptions.” Fox News viewers were “three times more likely than the next nearest network to hold all three misperceptions.”