Fox Pushes Dishonest Claims To Defend GOP's Food Stamp Cuts

And their quotes are from Veterans organizations. I suppose if you cry long enough and hard enough I can find the same stuff printed somewhere else.

Just let me know when you've held your breath long enough to turn blue...
gwb left the Texas Air National Guard as a 2nd Lt., the same rank as he went in. No friend of his from that unit has ever been produced or even was aware that he served there. There is substantial evidence that his commanders hated him for a variety of reasons and it is very clear that his military records have been washed by someone at some time. Who knows what that was all about? I know that the records of my brother and me are intact 'til this day. Do you need a little cheese to go with that whine?

And their quotes are from Veterans organizations. I suppose if you cry long enough and hard enough I can find the same stuff printed somewhere else.

Just let me know when you've held your breath long enough to turn blue...

I don't hold my breath and I don't turn blue. I seek facts and truth. I pay little attention to admittedly biased opinion pieces and totally ignore anonymous sources for anything. You just don't get it, do you?

gwb left the Texas Air National Guard as a 2nd Lt., the same rank as he went in. No friend of his from that unit has ever been produced or even was aware that he served there. There is substantial evidence that his commanders hated him for a variety of reasons and it is very clear that his military records have been washed by someone at some time. Who knows what that was all about? I know that the records of my brother and me are intact 'til this day. Do you need a little cheese to go with that whine?


Duck. Dodge. Change the subject.

The records show he did substantially more hours than his enlistment required. His superiors had much praise for him.

But the subject remains: None of *MY* sources ever presented a Microsoft Word document from 1970 as authentic. And then when called on it, stood by it.
Duck. Dodge. Change the subject.

The records show he did substantially more hours than his enlistment required. His superiors had much praise for him.

But the subject remains: None of *MY* sources ever presented a Microsoft Word document from 1970 as authentic. And then when called on it, stood by it.

The falsity of the documents have been admitted and resolved but the accuracy of the reporting has never been dis-proven by ANYONE. It is for certain that gwb was a genuine pain in the ass for his commanders and the very few if any colleagues that he had in his unit. No worries. I've had my own experiences with the PC, politically connected, crowd. They're all a pretty worthless bunch only there for a free ride. But, I give great credit to gwb for having completed Air Force aviator training. That stuff ain't for sissies or idiots.

The falsity of the documents have been admitted

... and we need not really discuss it any further than that.

Your sources use forged documents to advance fabricated news stories as part of an overall agenda to carry partisan political water.

My sources do not.
Maybe you need to better understand the purposes behind the OP, tekky. Ken is demonstrating the callousness of the repubs in denying needed assistance in THE MILITARY as well as for others in desperate need.


Ah, I didn't look at the picture links, just read the article. Apologies.
The falsity of the documents have been admitted and resolved but the accuracy of the reporting has never been dis-proven by ANYONE. It is for certain that gwb was a genuine pain in the ass for his commanders and the very few if any colleagues that he had in his unit. No worries. I've had my own experiences with the PC, politically connected, crowd. They're all a pretty worthless bunch only there for a free ride. But, I give great credit to gwb for having completed Air Force aviator training. That stuff ain't for sissies or idiots.


HTF can trhe accuracy of the reporting be accurate if the falsity of the documents used to prove has been admitted....what the hell kind of
convoluted reasoning is that...???
I guess anyone that gets promoted over you, you automatically peg a 'politically connected'.....just face facts....sometimes you just don't make the cut.



LMAO... so $100mm being used by the military families... is about 1.3% of the total being used. Yet you highlight the military as if they are going to take the brunt of the cuts?

Half the cuts $19B are going to come from single people with no kids. The second biggest chunk are coming from the expanded category, which was largely designed for people out of work. Do you really think this is going to affect the military personnel that need it?
look try to them pretend that active Military are not paid soo little they qualify for food stamps.

They are hating on the military for having freeloaders in it?

gee if you were really so troop friendly maybe you would want them paid better
look try to them pretend that active Military are not paid soo little they qualify for food stamps.
Do you . . . are you aware of how service works? You do realize the military typically offers free room/board to single soldiers. In fact, soldiers could donate every penny they earned to charity and still not go hungry or spend one nigh in the cold.

It would be their families, immediate family, that had to worry. Off base housing, a very (in my experience) cooperative and helpful community, and oodles of private services and government help is available.
look try to them pretend that active Military are not paid soo little they qualify for food stamps.

They are hating on the military for having freeloaders in it?

gee if you were really so troop friendly maybe you would want them paid better

Show us who has done any of the above Desh?
LMAO... so $100mm being used by the military families... is about 1.3% of the total being used. Yet you highlight the military as if they are going to take the brunt of the cuts?

Half the cuts $19B are going to come from single people with no kids. The second biggest chunk are coming from the expanded category, which was largely designed for people out of work. Do you really think this is going to affect the military personnel that need it?
I doubt the cuts would happen.

Although the SNAP program is just too big, it's not easy to reign in.

I mean we are talking food,, can't get much more basic then that
No "oodles of help" is normally available for active duty military personnel and their families. Any help they receive is generally received from state and Federal programs in which they are eligible to participate. Over and over again in my active duty years there was no base housing available for me and my family. We went to the closest towns and got housing there and paid dearly for it. No community assistance, in fact normally no facilities whatsoever for assistance for anyone, military or not.

They practically throw assistance at you in the military. Its hard not to get some. You'd have to be young and single or pretty dumb to miss these things.

Sounds like Wal-Mart where the managers are told to "throw assistance" at workers.

I think if you talk about this "sugar" Americans are addicted to and ask them if they want the Military to get it vs. a Corporation that can pay for it. Americans will tell you we support our Veterans but don't support a greedy Corporation that uses the closest form of slave labor available to become rich.

Welcome to America kid.