France rejects the right

The year is 2024, not 2014. Jumping in your time machine to time travel backwards a decade isn't relevant to what we need to do now.

Your party held back funding for Ukraine for six months.

Even when Ukraine aid was voted on, the majority of Republicans in the House voted against it.

Your presidential candidate is openly discussing cutting aid to Ukraine and pressuring them to surrender their sovereign territory.

Rightwingers like Orban in Hungary and Trump in USA are openly sympathetic to Putin.

Your vote for Trump is a vote to abandon Ukraine.

Complaining about the Bolsheviks makes you sound 90 years old. Nobody I know under the age of 60 ever talks about Bolsheviks.
The Ukrainian War is Hot Mic Obama's war. It started in 2014. Putin took Crimea and Obama folded like a wet paper sack.

Biden has turned Ukraine into another Vietnam.
And like Vietnam, he has never even offered them Enough to actually win.

I have two questions for you ... Why did Obama hand Putin Crimea on a silver plate? Why did Obama not provide real support for the 2014 Donbass front?

Socialist Europe needs to pay for that fucking war. Americans should not be blackmailed into subsidizing their Euro Socialism lifestyles.
The Ukrainian War is Hot Mic Obama's war. It started in 2014. Putin took Crimea and Obama folded like a wet paper sack.

Biden has turned Ukraine into another Vietnam.
And like Vietnam, he has never even offered them Enough to actually win.

I have two questions for you ... Why did Obama hand Putin Crimea on a silver plate? Why did Obama not provide real support for the 2014 Donbass front?

Socialist Europe needs to pay for that fucking war. Americans should not be blackmailed into subsidizing their Euro Socialism lifestyles.
America designed and then demanded this war.

The Europeans are our lapdogs, they do as told.
The Brits are pit bulls....they demanded this war as much as the children of Washington did......these fucks with almost no military now always want war.