France's Healthcare in Trouble

Actually they increased it to 38.

But I would certainly like to see a lot of reforms along those lines happening here.

If they raised the work week by 3 hours, it means appr. $2000 additional annual earnings for the minimum wage French worker if the employer was to change it, however, it would be without overtime for those hours, but with higher vacation pay. Compare those wages to Walmart hourly employees, company restricted to 30 hours a week in oder to minimize benefits, and at 1/2 French wages. It's significant because Walmart is by far our largest employer, and a high percentage of those employees qualify for food stamps and other government assistance on our dollar. One can say all they want about the French, however, they do appear to be substantially more clever than we are on such matters.
You say this like these are good things.

I do, but at least I said something! I know those things would be Hell to some. Happier, healthy people and no slums, crime a fraction of ours, want or poverty is obviously a better some.
How is it possible to not think those things are good things? We need to just send a quiz out to people, ask them if they agree with these policies, and if they don't deport them to China, Adam Smith's dreamland.

Nothing on that list is good in any realistic sort of way. They may "sound" good to the uneducated, but that is hardly the same thing. Nothing is free.
Nothing on that list is good in any realistic sort of way. They may "sound" good to the uneducated, but that is hardly the same thing. Nothing is free.
France's healthcare system is in EVERY WAY better than ours. and they spend less than we do providing it. How is this a bad thing? I still have doubts that our government can put something together to get anything resolved but the cheese eating surrender monkies get this right.
Nothing on that list is good in any realistic sort of way. They may "sound" good to the uneducated, but that is hardly the same thing. Nothing is free.
And with all of this the French still have slightly more disposable income than we do, with health insurance.
ter results. Which nutcase would choose our system over theirs?

The French minimum wage is double the proposed future US minimum wage.

The legal work week is 35 hours with an annual 5 weeks vacation time.

All health costs are free of charge, when out of work or laid off, companies pay 35% of salary, the government the other 65%.

New mothers are given substantial time off with pay(babysitters included) to aid them in rearing the new child.

Has anybody who's been there ever seen a French slum as in our cities?

I gotta go with epicurus, and the american rightwing, on this one.

This sounds like a bloody nightmare.
I think we should all be paid salaries of $1 million a year from the Treasury so that we don't have to work.

That doesn't make it a good, thoughtful, or fiscally responsible idea though.
France's healthcare system is in EVERY WAY better than ours. and they spend less than we do providing it. How is this a bad thing? I still have doubts that our government can put something together to get anything resolved but the cheese eating surrender monkies get this right.
It isn't in "every way" better than ours. They have a low level of medical technology because their system doesn't incentivize such investment. It is pretty much the only thing where our current system is better than theirs, but it is certainly something we can aim to avoid while making our system.

Such exaggerations are what makes me understand that any intelligent conversation on this subject is pretty much impossible. Somebody will point out what we can do better than France, then somebody else will jump in on how perfect they are and then say how much it is better "in every way" than ours. There is a very big reality that those who are covered by this system in France and who can't afford the copays or gap insurance to help them with the copays are simply left out of the system. They are counted as "covered" but in reality they simply do not get care.

The Japanese found a way to avoid this pitfall, maybe we should look in that direction.

One thing that I know, the vast majority of these places (including Japan) rely on the US as a military ally, because of that relationship they are able to spend far less militarily than they otherwise would and almost all of them spend those savings that we help provide to afford government provided health care.
"French taxpayers fund a state health insurer, Alliance Maladie, proportionately to their income and get treatment even if they can't pay for it. France spent 11% of national output on health services compared to 17% in the US and routinely outranks the US in infant mortality, 'LONGEVITY and MOST or ALL OTHER' measures."
Pardon me for adding a bit of additional truth.
Solution? Raise it to 12%, still 30% cheaper than the US, still free, and still producing better results. Which nutcase would choose our system over theirs?

The French minimum wage is double the proposed future US minimum wage. The legal work week is 35 hours with an annual 5 weeks vacation time. All health costs are free of charge, when out of work or laid off, companies pay 35% of salary, the government the other 65%. New mothers are given substantial time off with pay(babysitters included) to aid them in rearing the new child. Has anybody who's been there ever seen a French slum as in our cities?


Try getting your facts into a realistic proportion...France is not doing well. They have horrendous slums with housing fit only for the rats that live along side the human inhabitants. Their unemployment is sky rocketing. Their healthcare system does NOT cover everyone. They do eat better than Amricans and they do provide cheap energy via nuclear power plants.
Try getting your facts into a realistic proportion...France is not doing well. They have horrendous slums with housing fit only for the rats that live along side the human inhabitants. Their unemployment is sky rocketing. Their healthcare system does NOT cover everyone. They do eat better than Amricans and they do provide cheap energy via nuclear power plants.

Thanks for saving me the trouble. :rolleyes:
Try getting your facts into a realistic proportion...France is not doing well. They have horrendous slums with housing fit only for the rats that live along side the human inhabitants. Their unemployment is sky rocketing. Their healthcare system does NOT cover everyone. They do eat better than Amricans and they do provide cheap energy via nuclear power plants.

My numbers are correct.
The US is doing well? Who in France is not entitled to medical care? Where are these slums? Have you ever been to Bedford-Stuyvestant or Robert Taylor? Have you been to France? Does France spend less on healthcare than we do and still get better results? How much does an average French worker earn? From 2001 to 2008 the US median income declined for the first time in history, the French raised the minimum wage. They use a more honest method of counting the unemployed than we do, we leave out 1/3 in our stats. Try getting the facts not myth out of your myopic US dreamworld.
My numbers are correct.
The US is doing well? Who in France is not entitled to medical care? Where are these slums? Have you ever been to Bedford-Stuyvestant or Robert Taylor? Have you been to France? Does France spend less on healthcare than we do and still get better results? How much does an average French worker earn? From 2001 to 2008 the US median income declined for the first time in history, the French raised the minimum wage. They use a more honest method of counting the unemployed than we do, we leave out 1/3 in our stats. Try getting the facts not myth out of your myopic US dreamworld.

I guess the million plus workers who went on strike to force the government to do more to protect jobs and wages during the economic crisis doesn't count, huh?

True, the actual unemployment rate in the US is around 16%.

We are ahead of most countries in cancer survival rates.
My numbers are correct.
The US is doing well? Who in France is not entitled to medical care? Where are these slums? Have you ever been to Bedford-Stuyvestant or Robert Taylor? Have you been to France? Does France spend less on healthcare than we do and still get better results? How much does an average French worker earn? From 2001 to 2008 the US median income declined for the first time in history, the French raised the minimum wage. They use a more honest method of counting the unemployed than we do, we leave out 1/3 in our stats. Try getting the facts not myth out of your myopic US dreamworld.

I haven't been to France, but I've been to Norway, and I must say that subsidized day care, 35 hour work weeks, mandatory 5 weeks paid vacation, mandatory paid maternity/paternity leave, and relatively cheap, publically financed health care insurance sounds like a complete socialist nightmare!

Can't we let free markets decide?
I guess the million plus workers who went on strike to force the government to do more to protect jobs and wages during the economic crisis doesn't count, huh?

True, the actual unemployment rate in the US is around 16%.

We are ahead of most countries in cancer survival rates.

We are also ahead of most countries with Personal bankruptcies due to medical costs.
It isn't in "every way" better than ours. They have a low level of medical technology because their system doesn't incentivize such investment.

To say that the French health system has a low level of technology is just bonkers as anybody who has been to a French hospital will tell you. The reason why their system is feeling the strain is because the French are the biggest hypochondriacs on the planet, even more so than Americans, and will go to a hospital outpatients for the slightest reason. It is a problem that has been known about for a long time but nobody in France has the courage to do anything about it.
To say that the French health system has a low level of technology is just bonkers as anybody who has been to a French hospital will tell you. The reason why their system is feeling the strain is because the French are the biggest hypochondriacs on the planet, even more so than Americans, and will go to a hospital outpatients for the slightest reason. It is a problem that has been known about for a long time but nobody in France has the courage to do anything about it.

Is it that or is it that because the health care is "free", they don't think about the costs of running to the doctor every time they get the sniffles?
I haven't been to France, but I've been to Norway, and I must say that subsidized day care, 35 hour work weeks, mandatory 5 weeks paid vacation, mandatory paid maternity/paternity leave, and relatively cheap, publically financed health care insurance sounds like a complete socialist nightmare!

Can't we let free markets decide?

Sarcasm is difficult when posting.