Fraud season is here

Overly burdensome photo ID requirements block millions of eligible American citizens from voting. We can improve the security of elections without compromising citizens’ right to participate in elections.
Do you, the Governor, or anyone, have actual proof that dead people,“illegals,” “illegal aliens” or “noncitizens” voting actually meant anything or effected any race in any election anywhere?

I believe the goal of that story and its import to the Right is that it shows that sometimes voter rolls contain the names of people who are no longer present. The mere existence of these non-voters means, um, I'm not entirely certain. It must mean something other than the obvious: people die and people move.
If there was no voter ID as democrats want how would anyone ever know?

I have an honest question for the Right. When you talk about voter ID fraud it seems that it is a fear based on the POSSIBILITY of ID voter fraud rather than the REALITY. Study after study has shown that voter ID fraud is almost non-existent. Which is pretty cool for a nation of over 300million people spread across a contient.

Now I've heard rumors that pillow salesmen and disbarred lawyers are on the case to find the truth, but I have yet to see any indication that this is a real problem.

If we are a nation interested in using our money wisely, shouldn't we mainly focus on ACTUAL problems? I mean, if it's a matter of "theoretical" why do you guys fight CLimate CHange legislation so hard?