
Here is video of people dropping multiple ballots in AZ. Maricopa drop boxes. These people can be identified and this should be investigated. Think it is going to happen.

Twitter now will show videos like this. Notice no warning about the content. The election has to be redone. No court can rule any differently. The fair and equal clause in our Constitution was violated and that will be very easy to prove.

Libs don't care.
Hahaha! I knew enough about Donald Trump over the last 40 years from just what I read off the Tabloids while standing in line at the Kroger's Checkout lane.

I've known he was a piece of Human Scum for over 40 years now!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Then you also know that WD-40 cures arthritis!
Rudy played a video of one election worker handing her mom a mint in Georgia during 2020. Rudy claimed it was a thumb drive full of stolen ballots. These women were harassed bullied and threatened by everyone from trump down. This is why MAGA or America first is a disease and poor coldjoint if falling for the same kind of shit.

No, you can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear by making shit up or blaming it on Rudy.

Your call for civil war is noted.
A national geopolitical policy in which the entire world is regarded as the appropriate sphere for a state's influence.
The development of social, cultural, technological, or economic networks that transcend national boundaries; globalization.
An ideology based on the belief that people, goods and information ought to be able to cross national borders unfettered.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
More at Wordnik
Globalism - Wikipedia › wiki › Globalism
Globalism. Globalism refers to various patterns of meaning beyond the merely international. It is used by political scientists, such as Joseph Nye, to describe "attempts to understand all the interconnections of the modern world—and to highlight patterns that underlie (and explain) them." [1] While primarily associated with world-systems, it ...

Dictionaries do not define any word, dude. That is not their purpose. False authority fallacy. People define words. The eytomology follows:

The term 'globalism' was coined by Canadian educator Marshall McLuhan in the 1960's. It refers to use of global institutions over national ones, effectively the implementation of a global government. Typically, this government is conceived of as an oligarchy, and favoring the use of fascism and communism on a global scale. Considering the lack of unity and petty kingdoms, globalism will never happen. The dream (nightmare?) lives on, however.

There are those (like you) that fear that corporations that operate on an international scale will become such a government. The trouble with that is that corporations must turn a profit to survive. A government does not. As soon as people dislike a corporation's products, they simply stop buying it, putting that corporation out of business. The very nature of a monopoly is self destructive. It isn't long before some little company comes around and shoots the monopoly's kneecaps off. The monopoly is too big and too slow to see it coming. That little company produces a better product, and usually for less.

It happened to IBM. It happened to Microsoft. It happened to Apple. It happened to Google. It happened to Amazon. It happened to Twitter. It happened to Facebook. It happened to Nintendo. It happens to any monopoly unless government interferes to keep the monopoly a monopoly (such as what happened with DuPont).

International trade is not globalism nor fascism.

Incidentally, why is there only ONE monopolies commission?
Sounds like someone scared of their own shadow to me- Like you are scared of some boogy-man.

Like Hollywood, If you can't find a real Boogy Man- THEY JUST MAKE ONE UP LIKE WEREWOLVES, VAMPIRES, ZOMBIES, and Alien Creatures to sell a Movie!

You too are trying to sell us FICTION- TRYING TO RAISE FEAR IN PEOPLE!


You would know about that. You are scared of everything.
Paranoia. I am not doing anything but posting here. You are safe. I'm not coming to get you.

Another poster, moon, just asked me to stop responding to her posts. What did I do? I put her on ignore. If there's any decency left in you, you'll do the same for me.

I'll stop asking now. If you don't stop, you're just a bully and an indecent human. You're just a irritation I'll have to deal with here.
Dictionaries do not define any word, dude. That is not their purpose. False authority fallacy. People define words. The eytomology follows:

The term 'globalism' was coined by Canadian educator Marshall McLuhan in the 1960's. It refers to use of global institutions over national ones, effectively the implementation of a global government. Typically, this government is conceived of as an oligarchy, and favoring the use of fascism and communism on a global scale. Considering the lack of unity and petty kingdoms, globalism will never happen. The dream (nightmare?) lives on, however.

There are those (like you) that fear that corporations that operate on an international scale will become such a government. The trouble with that is that corporations must turn a profit to survive. A government does not. As soon as people dislike a corporation's products, they simply stop buying it, putting that corporation out of business. The very nature of a monopoly is self destructive. It isn't long before some little company comes around and shoots the monopoly's kneecaps off. The monopoly is too big and too slow to see it coming. That little company produces a better product, and usually for less.

It happened to IBM. It happened to Microsoft. It happened to Apple. It happened to Google. It happened to Amazon. It happened to Twitter. It happened to Facebook. It happened to Nintendo. It happens to any monopoly unless government interferes to keep the monopoly a monopoly (such as what happened with DuPont).

International trade is not globalism nor fascism.

Incidentally, why is there only ONE monopolies commission?

stop being retarded.

everyone knows what globalism is.

you still have that fascism problem.

Dictionaries do not define any word, dude. That is not their purpose. False authority fallacy. People define words. The eytomology follows:

The term 'globalism' was coined by Canadian educator Marshall McLuhan in the 1960's. It refers to use of global institutions over national ones, effectively the implementation of a global government. Typically, this government is conceived of as an oligarchy, and favoring the use of fascism and communism on a global scale. Considering the lack of unity and petty kingdoms, globalism will never happen. The dream (nightmare?) lives on, however.

There are those (like you) that fear that corporations that operate on an international scale will become such a government. The trouble with that is that corporations must turn a profit to survive. A government does not. As soon as people dislike a corporation's products, they simply stop buying it, putting that corporation out of business. The very nature of a monopoly is self destructive. It isn't long before some little company comes around and shoots the monopoly's kneecaps off. The monopoly is too big and too slow to see it coming. That little company produces a better product, and usually for less.

It happened to IBM. It happened to Microsoft. It happened to Apple. It happened to Google. It happened to Amazon. It happened to Twitter. It happened to Facebook. It happened to Nintendo. It happens to any monopoly unless government interferes to keep the monopoly a monopoly (such as what happened with DuPont).

International trade is not globalism nor fascism.

Incidentally, why is there only ONE monopolies commission?

international trade includes tariffs, globalism denies they are ever valid.

that's the succinct way of putting it. it's become a fanaticism which over emphasizes certain things.
what do we call it when walmart tells employees to go get food stamps if they're not making enough?

and only buys things from china?
the whole "capitalist" system is becoming completely fascist with Blackrock, vanguard, and state street ESG (environmental social governance) constraints.

why are libertarians staying silent?

sold out?

do better.
Another poster, moon, just asked me to stop responding to her posts. What did I do? I put her on ignore. If there's any decency left in you, you'll do the same for me.

I'll stop asking now. If you don't stop, you're just a bully and an indecent human. You're just a irritation I'll have to deal with here.

Argument of the Stick fallacy. :bdh:
international trade includes tariffs, globalism denies they are ever valid.

that's the succinct way of putting it. it's become a fanaticism which over emphasizes certain things.

International trade may or may not have tariffs in the importing nation. That is not globalism. It is localized fascism (on the importing nation). It is government interference with markets.

Redefinition fallacy (no tariff<->globalism).