
Ruh roh, you're guilty of fallacies. lol.

No. Soon as Sam Walton died his kin imported everything they could from China to maximize profit. True Story.

It's not the same thing he had in mind to this day.

Go look at the products for sale at Walmart. Most of them are made in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. Even in the electronics section, most of that comes from Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan (not China).
You've been listening too much to the propaganda from the Democrats.
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You are talking about GOVERNMENT action, not the action of a corporation.
It is the GOVERNMENT requiring Covid19 shots. Not Pfizer.

A corporation is not fascism. Bigotry. Redefinition fallacy.

The government is colluding with Pfizer, though; That's fascism. It is what it is. :dunno:
You are making the mistake of thinking that there is a line between public and private action. As I told you before, we are a fascist nation. The truth hurts doesn't it?

There is a line between public and private action.
That line is profit motive.

Governments do not make profit. They're success metric depends on justifying themselves to they can expand and collect more taxes.
Corporations and businesses are there to make a profit. That IS their success metric. You can't make a profit by pissing off your customers.

Fascism is not a form of government. It is a type of economy, just as capitalism, communism, and slavery is.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Communism is government ownership of markets.
Slavery is ownership of people.
ALL are forms of socialism.
ALL are theft of wealth .

A corporation is a business. It is not a government. Redefinition fallacy (corporation<->fascism, fascism<->republic, fascism<->oligarchy).

Fascism exists in all nations.
Communism exists in all nations.
Capitalism exists in all nations.

Your argument is bigotry.
The government is colluding with Pfizer, though; That's fascism. It is what it is. :dunno:

It is the GOVERNMENT and ONLY the government that is requiring 'vaccinations'. Pfizer cannot make such a requirement. It is GOVERNMENT and ONLY the government that is manipulating markets here. Pfizer cannot.

Without the government, Pfizer cannot force anyone to take a 'vaccination', or force anyone to buy their products. They can certainly lie in their advertising, and even try to push the narrative that the 'vaccination' is needed, but they can't force ANYTHING without government to mandate the use of their product. A religion by Democrats has even been created out of it, which I call the Church of Covid. Like their other religions, it ignores science and mathematics and depends on paradoxes.

Fascism is GOVERNMENT manipulation of markets.

Corruption? Yes. Slimy behavior by Pfizer? Yes. That doesn't change what fascism is. Fascism is government manipulation of markets.

Since you decided to mention slimy corporations, another one is DuPont. Again, GOVERNMENT manipulation markets allows DuPont to maintain a monopoly on refrigerants. Without GOVERNMENT, DuPont would be competing against other companies making R-12 refrigerant. Several companies were poised to do just that, until GOVERNMENT made R-12 illegal. The whole bit about 'ozone depletion' was a fabrication by DuPont and used by the government. DuPont was losing it's patents on R-12. The narrative about 'ozone depletion' became a religion in it's own right, which I call the Church of the Ozone Hole. Like other religions of the Democrats, it ignores science and mathematics and depends on paradoxes.

Corruption: Yes. Slimy behavior by DuPont? Yes. That doesn't change what fascism is. Fascism is government manipulation of markets.

The bank bailouts by Obama in response to the 2007 crash was about communism. That was GOVERNMENT ownership of markets. That was about the federal reserve, an unconstitutionally created bank and fiat money.

Fascism and communism can only be implemented by oligarchies and dictatorships. People don't like their wealth stolen. The federal government has become an oligarchy. It no longer recognizes the Constitution of the United States, which created it.
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The term 'crony capitalism' appears from time to time. It does not exist. This comes down to not understanding what capitalism is.

Capitalism is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at an agreed upon price. It requires no government to function. Governments instituted to reduce crime and allow capitalism to occur is generally a good thing, and why governments are often created. Coordinating infrastructure development through a central channel can be useful to enhance capitalism, but that in and of itself can result in communism or fascism, both forms of socialism. The constitution allows for a limited form of this, but the current ownership of infrastructure by government is communism and unconstitutional.

Maintaining a postal system isn't even communism, since other carriers can freely operate in competition. Overnight delivery by Fedex, UPS, and even Amazon, is something the post office is horrible at.

Maintaining a federal reserve and requiring the use of fiat money IS communism. That is government ownership of markets. It is also unconstitutional.

Capitalism is the only economic system that can create wealth. It is what built the cities out of the wilderness. It is what build the entire automotive and computer industries (out of nothing!). It is what built the Cloud. It is what build your TV, your game console, the food you buy, the drugs you buy, and even the house and car you buy.

Capitalism isn't Wall Street. It is Main Street. It is the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. It's the guy running the hot dog stand. It's the grocery store.
Wall Street is primarily gamblers in the stock and commodity markets. Gambling isn't capitalism, even though the casino itself is created through capitalism.

Capitalism exist in every nation, even the most brutal of dictatorships. It exists in North Korea. It exists in Venezuela. It exists in China. It exists in Russia. It exists in the States of America (SOA). It exists in the SODC (Socialist Dictatorship of California).

Even if it's a black market, capitalism exists. Every drug dealer on the street knows what competition and providing the market with a product they want at a price they are willing to pay is. It's capitalism, even though the drug they are selling is illegal. The ONLY reason they can exist on the street is because there is market there that they provide for. They can ONLY exist because people voluntarily want to buy their recreational drugs.

No government can stop the free market. It is immortal. It will always exist, even if it's driven underground and becomes a black market. It will always exist. Every drug dealer on the street knows this. Indeed, they depend on it.

Do I believe recreational drugs shouldn't be made illegal? No. I don't condone anything that fucks you up like recreational drugs. I include tobacco products and alcoholic beverages in that category, both 'legal' recreational drugs.
The federal government even tried to make alcoholic beverages illegal. They found that prohibition doesn't work. It is the same with the War on Drugs. Prohibition doesn't work. A far better approach is education (warn people of the dangers of these substances), and getting out of the way of people wanting to conduct their business.

You can make it a crime, but government can do NOTHING to stop a free market from operating. It can do NOTHING to stop capitalism.

Yes, capitalism is a double edged sword. It is the ONLY economic system that creates wealth out of nothing. It also allows for destructive products or services to be marketed. Yet I support capitalism. What money you make is yours. What pride you have in creating a product or service is yours.
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I'll trust what I read on the product labels at WalMart when they say "Made in China"; Thank You for understanding.

Go to Walmart. Look at the labels. You'll find that most stuff comes from the States, Canada, or Mexico. Most of the food (if a larger store) comes from local sources.
Apple phones and laptops are made in China (until recently!). Apple is moving out of China.
Here is video of people dropping multiple ballots in AZ. Maricopa drop boxes. These people can be identified and this should be investigated. Think it is going to happen.

Twitter now will show videos like this. Notice no warning about the content. The election has to be redone. No court can rule any differently. The fair and equal clause in our Constitution was violated and that will be very easy to prove.

No Sir!

The problem you have is ......


Thanks, but the crying towels are in the BATHROOM!
Go to Walmart. Look at the labels. You'll find that most stuff comes from the States, Canada, or Mexico. Most of the food (if a larger store) comes from local sources.
Apple phones and laptops are made in China (until recently!). Apple is moving out of China.

No, you're absolutely dead wrong on much of that.

They sell Chinese fish and clothes and bikes and shoes and yard tools and whatever they can that's Chinese and it has been like that since Sam Walton died.

I know wtf I'm talkin' about. You're barking up the wrong Silk Floss tree here, dude.
No, you're absolutely dead wrong on much of that.

They sell Chinese fish and clothes and bikes and shoes and yard tools and whatever they can that's Chinese and it has been like that since Sam Walton died.

I know wtf I'm talkin' about. You're barking up the wrong Silk Floss tree here, dude.

Since you are so convinced of this particular lie, there is nothing I can do.
Describing yourself again, eh? No, that won't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats go away.

Dude- try to be more original in your personal thoughts and comments- Don't wait for me to have to show you the way!

What-about-isms that are not true IS FOR DESPERATE SISSIES THAT CAN'T SEE THE TRUTH!

In fact, they are about as sissy as a 4 year old little girl who says, "I'm rubber, and you're glue- WHATEVER YOU SAY BOUNCES OFF ME AND STICKS TO YOU"!


Have you been a little sissy all your life- or is this something you learned from DONALD TRUMP? :laugh:
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