Freakin redneck farmers are trying to kill us w/ bagged spinach!!


Junior Member
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumers nationwide should not eat fresh bagged spinach, say health officials probing a multistate outbreak of E. coli that killed at least one person and made dozens of others sick.

Eight states were reporting a total of 50 cases of E. coli, Acheson said Thursday.

The death occurred in Wisconsin, where 20 people were reported ill, 11 of them in Milwaukee. The outbreak has sickened others -- eight of them seriously -- in Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon and Utah. In California, state health officials said they were investigating a possible case there.

these redneck farmers are trying to kill us....
head for the hills and start planting your own vege's....
I better be careful, I eat that stuff like its going out of style.

well i don't know what to tell you.. your probably going to be a victim and die today...

i would reccommend taking the day off. it was nice knowing you.
i hope these farmers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and tried for murder... did i say farmers?? I meant REDNECK farmers... this is negelct, don't they have some controls to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen or are they too stoopid?
well i don't know what to tell you.. your probably going to be a victim and die today...

i would reccommend taking the day off. it was nice knowing you.


Actually I have been kind of sick lately. I was getting dizzy for no apparent reason earlier this week and I think I've been running a slight fever. But I thought maybe that was due to the weather change, but now that I think about it, I probably do have E.coli and will die soon. I'll leave you my Armani shades.

Actually I have been kind of sick lately. I was getting dizzy for no apparent reason earlier this week and I think I've been running a slight fever. But I thought maybe that was due to the weather change, but now that I think about it, I probably do have E.coli and will die soon. I'll leave you my Armani shades.

you don't have to leave em for me, ill just steal em...

Actually I have been kind of sick lately. I was getting dizzy for no apparent reason earlier this week and I think I've been running a slight fever. But I thought maybe that was due to the weather change, but now that I think about it, I probably do have E.coli and will die soon. I'll leave you my Armani shades.

Rob will have a picture up minutes after he gets them in the mail. But he'll probably send a nice card to your wake. lol
Almost every victim has been in the West. So I guess all the "rednecks" are really trying to kill each other.
The last time we had an ecoli problem was with Strawberries and they came from MEXICO, I would bet that is where this spinach comes from, mexico or south america/Chile.
rob is is thos capitalistic money grubbing packagers using illegal immigrant labor, not the redneck farmers :)
E-coli infected illegal immigrant workers that they pay just enough for them to live 3 families to each 1 bedroom apartment....

If people like were not too lazy to buy the individual salad components and wash them like they are supposed too....Lazy pigs just too lazy to was their veggies and eating them right out of the bag, knowing they are picked and bagged by dirty illegal immigrants ;)