You sound like you have not switched to OAN and Newsmax yet. Pull the plug on Fox News my friend.
I barely watch or read FOX. I generally look at a variety of sources, none in the MSM for the most part, to get an idea what's going on. I also read any source with a very critical eye to bias in it. Here's a good example of what I mean. This AP article, which should be neutral, takes a bias against Trump supporters:
Some examples of this:
"...nighttime clashes with counterdemonstrators led to fistfights, at least one stabbing and more than 20 arrests."
This makes it sound as if the clashes were started by the Trump supporters when it is likely many were started by counterdemonstrators. A neutral tone would be "...nighttime clashes between counterdemonstrators and Trump supporters..." That doesn't take sides or make it appear one side caused the issue. (this is blame placing)
"The demonstrations in the nation's capital went from tense to violent during the night and early Sunday."
Compare that with the MSM calling Leftist protests that included looting, attacks on people, arson, and other serious violent crimes for months, "mostly peaceful..." Here the writers call the protest "violent" and even the non-violent portion, "tense." (this is using loaded words)
"Videos posted on social media showed fights, projectiles and clubs as Trump backers sparred with those demanding they take their MAGA hats and banners and leave."
No mention of who the counter-protesters are in whole or part. Why? Shouldn't we be given some idea of who's clashing with these Trump supporters? (this is hiding information unfavorable to the writer's position)
Then this is gratuitously added:
"A broad coalition of top government and industry officials has declared that the Nov. 3 voting and the following count unfolded smoothly with no more than the usual minor hiccups — “the most secure in American history,” they said, repudiating Trump's efforts to undermine the integrity of the contest."
It has nothing to do with the protests or counter-protests, but rather is just tossed in to discredit the Trump supporters. (card stacking)
It doesn't matter what position you, or I, take on this. Those are clear indications of bias that I at least ignore in reading about this event. I'll make my own mind up based on factual information, thank you.
Yes, it is all a form of propaganda when the writers take sides.