Free Country, Really?

no, and I never said that.

Id rather 9 judges, separated from politics, not answerable to the masses for job security, appointed by an elected president and approved by the Congress defining the rights, defining that line than just about any other system that has yet to be dreamed up.

we have that system right now, except for the separated from politics crap, and our rights vary from bench to bench. so you're comfortable with 9 partisan judges owning your body?
Please. They decided government controlling our healthcare is a "tax," government can confiscate money for it's own interest rather than the common good (New London), they made up a right to an abortion, decided government can regulate free speech heading into elections, think intrastate commerce is interstate commerce, think government can discriminate between it's citizens, think government can redistribute money between citizens when there is no Constitutional authority to do that, think government can engage in non-defensive wars.

The Supreme Court is a joke if you care about the Constitution, and not a funny one

outstanding post.
So you are confusing rights with fiscal policy and foreign affairs.

So you deny that American citizens have the right to have a government that is loyal to and follows the Constitution? Every violation of the Constitution by government is a violation of every American citizen’s right to a Constitutional government.

Are you aware that income taxes are almost as low as they have ever been?

So what?

I am against the undeclared wars, just like the president. Trump is promoting more of em.

Bullshit! Your absurd and pathetic partisan-ism is sickening! If Obama is against undeclared wars, why is he up to his teeth in Afghanistan and every other war in the ME?
Well, that is not how 200 years of the supreme court have seen it, according to them they are both rights that must be balanced.

That's because the courts are staffed by judges who are biased, authoritarian partisan ideologues who's loyalty to the Constitution and their sacred oath of office takes a back seat to their biases, authoritarian-ism and partisan ideology.
You can still control your healthcare. Where does the Constitution say the Government cant tax? Its not a right to abortion, its a right to control your healthcare that includes abortion.

Try reading what I said again, I didn't say government can't tax

How does the government regulate free speech heading into elections?

Campaign Finance Reform, do you know what it said?

You have yet to name a right that the Supreme Court has taken from you.

Actually I named a bunch of them

I understand you might not like the way others express their freedoms and rights, but that's part of participating in a free nation.

Nothing I said objected to what anyone else does, dumb ass, it was all what you are doing to me. As for your condescending attitude you felt was necessary, fuck you too
Just this year the Supreme Court found more freedom for Americans.

Before this year you were only free to marry about 50% of the adult population.... not you are free to marry almost 100% of the adult population.

A freedom to demand free shit from government, yeah, that's freedom.

All government marriage should be ended. Government should treat all its citizens the same, it should not give perks to ones who pair up not available to other citizens