Free Press Your Ass!

Thank you commie child for your juvenile exhibition of laughable insult. Your mental capability is apparent.

Coming from a brainless fart of your standard, I expect that is a compliment, but like everything about you it smells of rotten mental vacancy.
Poor fellow just can't speak without a rotting tongue!!!!!

Sure I can, dumbfuck. But only to people that don’t lie out your asses and live in delusional ignorance like you RW fucktards do.

Educate yourself and post something intelligent. We can go from there.
Sure I can, dumbfuck. But only to people that don’t lie out your asses and live in delusional ignorance like you RW fucktards do.

Educate yourself and post something intelligent. We can go from there.

Childish leftist sandbox reply for lack of honest, rational and relevant argument. Intellectual pygmy!!!!!
That is an example of a free press (not to be confused with an honest unbiased press) in that they are free to criticize the president and government.

It isn't about criticism; it is about the DOUBLE standard and hypocrisy and fabrication of FALSE narratives. The media never cared about Obama's lies, his corrupt administration, his inexperience or his glaring ignorance.
Like it or not we have a free press. Yes the majority is biased liberal but that is a totally different subject.

There's nothing "free" about the press if it becomes a propaganda mouthpiece for the Party of the Jackass. Then, it merely becomes irrelevant and no better than a gossip magazine like the Star. Hell, the Star gets things right more often I think.
What you call sickness are the people throwing off the yoke of white christian dominance in America

What America is seeing from your side is the death rattle of the old order

Riding the SHORT Race hustling BUS

Don't watch those channels then. No one forces you too. Some people feel the same about Fox News that you do CNN & MSNBC. In a free market those stations can exist and people can choose what they want to watch. It's called freedom. I don't want to live in a country where the government controls the media and we can only watch what they force feed us.

RINO brain; the point is well above your peter principle. It's not about "free"; it's about a deliberate attempt to support an anti-American ideology. No one is suggesting they be shut down; we are just pointing at it and calling it like it is.

The Trump Presidency has exposed the media for who they are; they are no longer concerned about objectivity and reporting facts. They are more interested in promoting leftist ideologies and false narratives. That isn't good for any democracy. Especially when it entails about 90% of what is considered news outlets in this country.
When you run a campaign like trump ran, after decades of criminal activity in the business sector, you might just call this 'chickens coming home to roost"
He gets what he deserves. He's an incompetent, blathering, idiot. There really is nothing 'good' to report about him.

There you go again with that asinine "criminal" meme. I guess facts don't matter to whiny low IQ twats on the left.