Freedom of religion? only for christians

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Yoga still banned in Alabama public schools, for now, as conservatives cite Hinduism ties

Christian conservatives, who claimed it would lead to proselytizing in public schools by followers of Hinduism.

"Yoga is a very big part of practicing Hindu religion," said Becky Gerritson, a longtime conservative activist.

Opponents said the exercise benefits of yoga could be achieved in other ways. John Eidsmoe, the senior counsel of former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's Foundation for Moral Law, told the committee that the bill should be amended to require parents to sign permission slips for children participating in yoga classes "and state that they understand the Hindu origins of this."
Yoga still banned in Alabama public schools, for now, as conservatives cite Hinduism ties

Christian conservatives, who claimed it would lead to proselytizing in public schools by followers of Hinduism.

"Yoga is a very big part of practicing Hindu religion," said Becky Gerritson, a longtime conservative activist.

Opponents said the exercise benefits of yoga could be achieved in other ways. John Eidsmoe, the senior counsel of former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's Foundation for Moral Law, told the committee that the bill should be amended to require parents to sign permission slips for children participating in yoga classes "and state that they understand the Hindu origins of this."

So what is this, the issue du jour for you leftists, yogaist rights?