frickin lock step liberals on this board...


No matter how outragous the statement .. you agree ....

The most lockstep group who participate on this board and the other board ...

Are you liberals who call yourselves Democrats....
klaatu did you sign up for the jesus camp yet?? LOL

you talk about liberals.... LOL holyrollers are worse.
No matter how outragous the statement .. you agree ....

The most lockstep group who participate on this board and the other board ...

Are you liberals who call yourselves Democrats....

what do you mean, jellybean?

or are you just looking for company tonight, someone to fight with? :D
No matter how outragous the statement .. you agree ....

The most lockstep group who participate on this board and the other board ...

Are you liberals who call yourselves Democrats....

Who'd have thought that people with similar perspectives would offer similar views? Shocking!

Bit of a rant Kla?
Klaat, I used to have the same problem you do.

Trust me, Midol works wonders. You should try it.
umm it is getting closer to election and some rebutlikens are torn between party loyalty and the mess their party has made. Theos rebutlikens are having denial about being in lockstep with their party and are projecting their dillema onto the other side. A combination of denial and projection.
umm it is getting closer to election and some rebutlikens are torn between party loyalty and the mess their party has made. Theos rebutlikens are having denial about being in lockstep with their party and are projecting their dillema onto the other side. A combination of denial and projection.

This would mean somthing if I were a republican. This is a classic example USC.. you see everyone in shades of red and blue.
Hardly. How do you usaully vote klaatu and did you vote for Bush ?

Yes I voted for Bush.. ..does that make me a Republican? If I voted for Kerry would that make me a Democrat?

Again .. it seems you see only in shades of Blue and Red ....

By the way.. are you so dilusional that you expect people to deny that they voted for Bush? Not so ... I have stated my views over and over again .. but I will not stand for petty race card bullshit ..i.e. Bush washed his hands before shaking Obamas hand ... with a bunch of Democrats trailblazing behind that statement to assist in stroking of the racist card. Gimmie a break, and what a foolish post that was ...

this is the kind of petty pc bullshit i fear the most when Dems get in power. But for the sake of checks and balances I still hope the Repubs get their asses kicked this Nov.
Of course I made that hand washing post or esdorsed it didn't I Klaatu ? Try talking to or about ME , not as you categorize all liberals together. pot or kettle today Klaatu ?
Yes I voted for Bush.. ..does that make me a Republican? If I voted for Kerry would that make me a Democrat?

Again .. it seems you see only in shades of Blue and Red ....

By the way.. are you so dilusional that you expect people to deny that they voted for Bush? Not so ... I have stated my views over and over again .. but I will not stand for petty race card bullshit ..i.e. Bush washed his hands before shaking Obamas hand ... with a bunch of Democrats trailblazing behind that statement to assist in stroking of the racist card. Gimmie a break, and what a foolish post that was ...

this is the kind of petty pc bullshit i fear the most when Dems get in power. But for the sake of checks and balances I still hope the Repubs get their asses kicked this Nov.

I have stated my views over and over again .. but I will not stand for petty race card bullshit ..i.e. Bush washed his hands before shaking Obamas hand ... with a bunch of Democrats trailblazing behind that statement to assist in stroking of the racist card.

Are you vision-impaired Klattue? I just visited that thread, and its mostly republicans on the thread.

I admit to making one joke, which I clearly labeled as sarcasm. Other than that, there were no democrats on the thread "stoking" the flames of racism. Jarord and Care who were the only other "liberal" on the thread, certainly weren't.

Apology time?
I caught Klaatu, and he is lashing out. Understandable and no problems from here on it.

What on earth is he even talking about?

I read most of the threat, and there wasn't a host of "liberals" stoking the flames of racism.

The only thing that remotely resemlbes it, is a joke I made, which I clearly labeled as sarcasm.

Other than that, its mostly Cons on the thread. What am I missing that Klattue sees?
Of course I made that hand washing post or esdorsed it didn't I Klaatu ? Try talking to or about ME , not as you categorize all liberals together. pot or kettle today Klaatu ?

Im not sure what you are trying to say .. but how did this thread become about you?

That particular post is one small example .. the Democrats who did participate.. just made a joke or went off in a different tangent..they let it ride and they did it in typical lockstep form. In this one instance I'll give Jarod a pass....

No pot or kettle USC.. you dont get off that easy ..

And Cypress... no apology neccessary ... thank you ...