Friday Chit Chat

Oh, this is strictly at the dragstrip -- no street racing. It really is far too dangerous. You said in a convertible? Eek!:eek: One of our grad students was driving one night (on the street) and accepted a challenge. His best friend was his only passenger and was killed when the car overturned after the front wheel hit the curb.

In an all-out effort to offer an alternative to street racing, the local track has street class racing nearly every weekend, in addition to their usual schedule.

my friends down the steet are EMS for the race track in brainerd,MN i was going to go with em a few weeks ago but it didnt work out.. i havent been to the track for about 9-10 years now
my friends down the steet are EMS for the race track in brainerd,MN i was going to go with em a few weeks ago but it didnt work out.. i havent been to the track for about 9-10 years now

I'm really sorry about your friend, bob; what a waste!

Our local track enforces all the safety rules, and I've seen firsthand what a great thing that is. It does save lives.

You should go -- it's a lot of fun and if you like cars it's good scenery too.
Guilty as charged!

Yes back in the day..I did race on the streets...but only under safe conditions....we found a safe area off the blvd and raced for 'Pinks' Did accidents happen...yes... but no more than on the strip! was it retrospect I suppose it was...but I survived as did all my friends...can the same be said of this generation? I'm not going to go here as it will become political...:cof1:

and by the way bob....I did have a '54'VW modified dragster...with a moon top..not fast... but fun at the beach...we called em' 'Dune Buggies':cof1:
Yes back in the day..I did race on the streets...but only under safe conditions....we found a safe area off the blvd and raced for 'Pinks' Did accidents happen...yes... but no more than on the strip! was it retrospect I suppose it was...but I survived as did all my friends...can the same be said of this generation? I'm not going to go here as it will become political...:cof1:

and by the way bob....I did have a '54'VW modified dragster...with a moon top..not fast... but fun at the beach...we called em' 'Dune Buggies':cof1:

nice.. his resembled one kinda but it was all street, big meats on the back with a 3' exaustpipe coming off the back.. i dont know any of the specs but i know he put in a new engine. it was like oversized super fast go cart.

as far as being safe i guess it wasnt realy in our vocab... it was more like drive fast and take chances... ya dumb, but i did have alot of fun. my buddy that had the vw, him and his bro had a '68 chevell ss and then a 79 commaro, both vary fast... now they dont drive anything besides donercycles.. i mean crotchrockeets. we started to get a lil wiser after a few fatal acidints.. it no good, and yes it was a waste. but i guess in the end your gana learn one way or another, that sucks, but thats also life

nice.. his resembled one kinda but it was all street, big meats on the back with a 3' exaustpipe coming off the back.. i dont know any of the specs but i know he put in a new engine. it was like oversized super fast go cart.

as far as being safe i guess it wasnt realy in our vocab... it was more like drive fast and take chances... ya dumb, but i did have alot of fun. my buddy that had the vw, him and his bro had a '68 chevell ss and then a 79 commaro, both vary fast... now they dont drive anything besides donercycles.. i mean crotchrockeets. we started to get a lil wiser after a few fatal acidints.. it no good, and yes it was a waste. but i guess in the end your gana learn one way or another, that sucks, but thats also life

I hear ya..the GD and her Mom just got into 'Crotchrockets'...just because there BF's are into them...before it was moto-cross...Dirt Bikes and a Dad and G/pa Heart Burn...but at some point ya have to cut the strings...albeit it is scarry!:cof1:
I hear ya..the GD and her Mom just got into 'Crotchrockets'...just because there BF's are into them...before it was moto-cross...Dirt Bikes and a Dad and G/pa Heart Burn...but at some point ya have to cut the strings...albeit it is scarry!:cof1:
ya i bet .. i finaly know why dad alway had a hefy supply of tums at all times

ya i bet .. i finaly know why dad alway had a hefy supply of tums at all times

Ya will make a great parent down the road...however I prefer 'Corona'....with a lime twist...numbs the old brain!...Tums only makes for nausea....relief!:cof1:

opp's now darla,USC and cippie will have a field day on this comment...oh well....I digress...or not!
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Ya will make a great parent down the road...however I prefer 'Corona'....with a lime twist...numbs the old brain!...Tums only makes for nausea....relief!:cof1:

opp's now darla,USC and cippie will have a field day on this comment...oh well....I digress...or not!

lol... mmmm beer, that works for me
Taking the next step to get the new race car ready; preparing for our trip to Dallas next week; playing with the dogs on some of the agility equipment.

Cool! That sounds like fun.

I went to a couple of parties this weekend and I'm pretty wiped out. and I think we may be getting another house. I'm not holding my breath this time but we are doing things very differently this time around.
Cool! That sounds like fun.

I went to a couple of parties this weekend and I'm pretty wiped out. and I think we may be getting another house. I'm not holding my breath this time but we are doing things very differently this time around.

Good luck Tiana!

I had a really good weekend. I really considered extending it by taking today off, but I had something i had to get in this morning. too bad. The weekend was great though. The weather alone...perfect. I went out to dinner Friday and Saturday, and drank a lot of wine this weekend. I plan to do the same next weekend! It keeps me sane for all of the shit i have to put up with during the week. The bush adminstration mostly.
Yeah sigh politics....
Not really sure why I am on here.
I pretty much hate the following aspects of politics.
Lies and deception.
Perception being more important than reality and truth.
Corporations have more representation than the people. (see Lobbyists)

Perhaps I just should retreat from the quasi nooze and such and just vote and enjoy this point probably just voting Demoncratic ticket would be safe for the rest of my life.
Yeah sigh politics....
Not really sure why I am on here.
I pretty much hate the following aspects of politics.
Lies and deception.
Perception being more important than reality and truth.
Corporations have more representation than the people. (see Lobbyists)

Perhaps I just should retreat from the quasi nooze and such and just vote and enjoy this point probably just voting Demoncratic ticket would be safe for the rest of my life.

I'm on here to avoid working. lol
For the work aspect, I have to be online and available at least 10 hrs a day. sometimes I have to work though, mostly just resolving issues and answering questions.
Allthough sometimes I actually have to work :(

although I seem to enjoy old tractor and farming boards and such more....
Of course you are one of the bright spots on here Darla.
For the work aspect, I have to be online and available at least 10 hrs a day. sometimes I have to work though, mostly just resolving issues and answering questions.
Allthough sometimes I actually have to work :(

although I seem to enjoy old tractor and farming boards and such more....
Of course you are one of the bright spots on here Darla.

Aww, thanks! :)
Good luck Tiana!

I had a really good weekend. I really considered extending it by taking today off, but I had something i had to get in this morning. too bad. The weekend was great though. The weather alone...perfect. I went out to dinner Friday and Saturday, and drank a lot of wine this weekend. I plan to do the same next weekend! It keeps me sane for all of the *&^% i have to put up with during the week. The bush adminstration mostly.


I all but passed out on Friday night! Good times. This week was supposed to be my snooze week but I came in and had a million voicemails plus the whole house thing seems to be happening pretty quickly.
For the work aspect, I have to be online and available at least 10 hrs a day. sometimes I have to work though, mostly just resolving issues and answering questions.
Allthough sometimes I actually have to work :(

although I seem to enjoy old tractor and farming boards and such more....
Of course you are one of the bright spots on here Darla.


LOL, not quite LadyT, but a good one.
You are also a bight spot as well, in spite of your WOC.

Although....Vegetarians do taste better....