friend is a fou rletter word

would you turn her down if you were single?

we all know the real answer

Depends on her personality.

If she's a self-absorbed, self-serious twat with no sense of humor and runs around with her face shoved into the screen of her smartphone all day long like most millennial women nowadays, I wouldn't want anything to do with her even if she looked like a bikini model.

I actually hate hot-looking women because they tend to be so shallow and obsessed with their own looks.

I'd rather be with a cute, average looking gal with a lively mind and a great personality than have an orgy with a dozen boring, hot-looking bitches.

But not if she was fat.
to your tastes

remember raphael

I would think more in terms of Rubens, whose work inspired the term Rubenesque to politely describe plump women.


On average, women have 6 to 11 percent more body fat than men. Studies show oestrogen reduces a woman's ability to burn energy after eating, resulting in more fat being stored around the body. The likely reason is to prime women for childbearing, the review suggests.
"Female puberty and early pregnancy – times of increased oestrogen – could be seen as states of efficient fat storage in preparation for fertility, foetal development and lactation," the study's author Associate Professor Anthony O'Sullivan, from UNSW's St George Clinical School, said.
women are supposed to have a thin layer of fat covering their bodies

your tastes in a sexual partners is not science
women are supposed to have a thin layer of fat covering their bodies

your tastes in a sexual partners is not science

At what point does a "thin layer of fat" become "she's just plain old fat"?

I never claimed my taste in sexual partners was science. It's just what flips my switch.

I have no more control over that than gay men or lesbian women have over the kind of sexual partners they prefer.

You have separate standards for different groups of people.

trying to force women to look like prepubesant girls causes eating disorders and deaths

Nobody is forcing women to look like anything.

Let them stop buying and reading fashion magazines, stop watching mindless idiot TV garbage and ignore modern, pop culture in favor of more interesting pursuits and they will stop trying to look like prepubescent girls.

Of course, their parents (mothers mostly) would have to play a major role in encouraging that kind of mindset.
why in a music thread did y9un feel compelled to tell us you found the girl in the video too fat

what made you feel that was a needed comment


women dont need that harrasment dude

if you ever have a girl child you might then understand
why in a music thread did y9un feel compelled to tell us you found the girl in the video too fat

what made you feel that was a needed comment


women dont need that harrasment dude

if you ever have a girl child you might then understand

I didn't feel it was needed. I just said it because I observed it and felt like commenting on it.

Even though my politics is mostly liberal, I refuse to take part in the growing trend towards tiptoeing around on eggshells so as not to offend some group. If I see something that I feel like commenting on, I'll comment on it. If someone gets offended by it, let them deal with it.

Understand though, that I would never be so cruel or impolite as to say to someone's face that they're fat just to hurt their feelings. I'd never denigrate a person's looks, be they female or male, with no regard for how it might affect their self esteem.

Otherwise, it's fair game.

The girl in that video should be mature and adult enough to know that if she appears in a music video, in bed with a man and scantily dressed, people will make comments about her body. If she's that sensitive and can't handle it, she is free to not appear in music videos to begin with.

I remember when most people possessed common sense.

Those days are slipping away.