Friggin' Limbaugh

Lush limpballs is just what the core R party likes.

They keep his career alive because they approve of such comments.

Be proud be very proud.

I think you are completely wrong about his fan base being the "core R party." Most people I know who have anything to say about him say so in a negative connotation. I do know he has a fan base and he flames to appeal to that fan base. I also believe that fan base to be abased. The core of the R party are not anti-woman or anti-black......they are, however, anti-liberal politically speaking. Many of them are way right of me when it comes to finances, especially in the areas of public education and health care.
In other words, none of you can think of any way to refute what he says. So you fall back on attacking the messenger, calling names, etc.

How typical of the Loser Left.
I hear the same name here uscitizen. And it is from the rednecks also. My kids in class just got through getting a clear picture of Islamic arabs. I have been a student of the religion of Islam since 1997.

They also got a clear picture of Barak Obama......I had to get through the:

-No, he's not islamic. No, he didn't not salute the flag. No, he's not a bad guy.-

It is amazing to me what people will believe without the least bit of investigation.
Refute what their poorly hung acorn? That America won't vote for a darkie and a shrew on the same ticket? Can't do that unless they are on the same ticket and they get elected.
Or theocratic woman beaters. That's accurate, btw.
So ALL Moslem Ay-rabs
beat their women? That part is true? What are the stats that you base that on. Maybe not all but a majority? Again link me up to your stats that show just in the US alone domestic violence among followers of Islam are per capita more involved in beating their wives than all other followers of anything or anybody. I don't believe it so, today I am from Missouri. SHOW ME!
So ALL Moslem Ay-rabs
beat their women? That part is true? What are the stats that you base that on. Maybe not all but a majority? Again link me up to your stats that show just in the US alone domestic violence among followers of Islam are per capita more involved in beating their wives than all other followers of anything or anybody. I don't believe it so, today I am from Missouri. SHOW ME!

It's the teaching of the religion, and the devout do it religiously. Learn something.
It's the teaching of the religion, and the devout do it religiously. Learn something.
And the first half of the bible tells parents they can kill their dishonorable children and sell their daughters into slavery. I didn't say tell me what some book says I said show me DUMB ASS so show me or shut the fuck up!
And the first half of the bible tells parents they can kill their dishonorable children and sell their daughters into slavery. I didn't say tell me what some book says I said show me DUMB ASS so show me or shut the fuck up!

The bible sucks too, what's your point?