From someone who's already fought this war...


Worst gambler ever
The war in Afghanistan is a political football now. Bush's dream of a neat little war became his reality of another mess in the Middle East. But America voted for CHANGE! And we got GW Obama, who is now becoming the LBJ of Afghanistan. Has history taught us nothing? These senseless wars that are brought on by nothing more than rhetoric designed to galvanize the American voter rather than actually achieve what we claim to send our blood, treasure and put our families through are for what?

History shows that this will not be won in any fashion, until we use newspeak and change what the word "victory" means. Orwell would be quite proud.

"We too entered Afghanistan with a large force," says Yermakov. "We came there not to conquer Afghanistan but to render international assistance to stabilize the situation there.

"But you cannot impose democracy by using force. An Afghan has agreed with you today, at gunpoint, that American democracy is the best thing in the world, just as he was once saying that the Soviet system was the best.
"But as soon as you turn around, he'll shoot you in the back and immediately forget what he was just saying.

"I would like to remind you what the first man to unite the Afghan tribes, Czar Babur, said: 'Afghanistan has not been and never will be conquered, and will never surrender to anyone.' Afghans are a very freedom-loving and proud people."

Freedom loving?!?! Gasp!! Their idea of "freedom" is different than ours????

Our government has failed us once again, and even with 8 years of hindsight.

Obama and his escalation can go fuck themselves. He's trying to play both sides here and goddamit if his equity isn't just now spent.
people are so fickle. They are like a feather in the breeze. dotting thumb twirling wandering proles.
We will never leave afghanistan.

A state of perpetual war is the preference of the fascist illuminati manipulators. Wars serve the dual purpose of killing unwanted poor people and lining the pockets of the military contractors.
a war with afghanistan was not senseless. Most of you proles supported it wholeheartedly, even when we were in iraq.

rhetoric isn't what caused us to invade afghanistan. Beefy, sometimes you really are stupid as a bag of bricks.
Afghanistan could have been an easy victory if it wasn't fro Saddam's back door support of the Taliban. GWB did what had to be done and took the bugger out, and Iraq is now stable. Obama can't win in Afghanistan even now- what a failure.
Afghanistan could have been an easy victory if it wasn't fro Saddam's back door support of the Taliban. GWB did what had to be done and took the bugger out, and Iraq is now stable. Obama can't win in Afghanistan even now- what a failure.

says the sofa chickenhawk

you remain southerncoward
Faggot like you runs from a tiny little old pistol. LOL

bring it, your to scared to even come with a gun gramps
now man up take your osteoperosis medicin and get your boney ass down hear with your gun so I can pistel whip you with it.

you sofa chickenhawk otherwise known as southerncoward:palm:
bring it, your to scared to even come with a gun gramps
now man up take your osteoperosis medicin and get your boney ass down hear with your gun so I can pistel whip you with it.

you sofa chickenhawk otherwise known as southerncoward:palm:
My invite to you here still stands, faggot. Show up and I will defend myself. :)