Front & Center... Guess Which Hopey-Changer Interrupted Bush's Speech in 2006?

In 2006, Congressional Democrats wildly cheered their own intransigence, obstruction, and reverence for the broken status quo.

Democrats rudely interrupted President Bush to applaud their own obstruction of legislation to fix Social Security:
YouTube - Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism

Today Social Security is bankrupt and could face default in 2 years.

And, guess who was up front and center:

Hat Tip Jim B.

tip from

Social security is far from bankrupt. We as the govt owe it around 3 trillion dollars that was "borrowed" and spent on other things. SS has treasury bonds for that money.
lol........obama applauding his own obstructionism and now whining that repubs are obstructing him....

he is actually one the biggest hypocrites elected to office....he complains about fearmongering.....yet says in his speech last night that if we don't pass his plan.....PEOPLE WILL DIE.....

and the dems just eat it up....
Social security is far from bankrupt. We as the govt owe it around 3 trillion dollars that was "borrowed" and spent on other things. SS has treasury bonds for that money.

The SS "trust fund" is a bookkeeping system where the government lends money to itself. It contains nothing more than IOUS in the form of special issue U.S. Treasury bonds which the government can only pay through higher taxes, massive borrowing or massive cuts in other federal programs. The specialTreasury Bonds can only be issued to and redeemed by the SS Administration.

When the government issues a bond to one of its own accounts, it hasn't purchased anything or established a claim against another entity or person. It's creating a form of IOU from one of its accounts to another. According to OMB, this allows funds to appear on the books, while in reality they are unavailable.
applauding in favor of something he was indicating was wrong?.....I think that has quite a bit in common with calling someone a liar.....

Worst. Spin. Ever.

Please don't ever pretend to be anything but a Sarah Palin-George Bush-Dick Cheney-Rush Limbaugh worshipping Republican ever again on this board.
Worst. Spin. Ever.

Please don't ever pretend to be anything but a Sarah Palin-George Bush-Dick Cheney-Rush Limbaugh worshipping Republican ever again on this board.

nobody is going to accuse you of pretending to be intelligent Cypress.....there's simply no basis for it.....
The state of right-wing "zingers" on this board is at an all time low.

It's the "Hee Haw" factor; they all sound like they grew up watching it, and thinking that was what humor is about...
The state of right-wing "zingers" on this board is at an all time low.

It's the "Hee Haw" factor; they all sound like they grew up watching it, and thinking that was what humor is about...

well, the state of the left wing whining on this board has increased and is actually fun to watch.
well, the state of the left wing whining on this board has increased and is actually fun to watch.

It's interesting that in meme-land, any criticism of the GOP is "whining," but you can start 5 threads in a day lying about healthcare, and that's "legit debate."
It's interesting that in meme-land, any criticism of the GOP is "whining," but you can start 5 threads in a day lying about healthcare, and that's "legit debate."

pfeeesh, prove where I am lying or sit the hell down..crybaby