Fuck the history channel

Oh I see. You have to pay extra for broadband? I dont think we have the choice anymore. Everything is broadband ... I think. TV and internet all together. We do have ordinary terrestial channels but it tends to be crappy plus v.v.v cheap American give-away shows. Americas top _________ (fill in the subject of your choice) and things like Everyone Hates( or loves - cant remember) Someone or other.

No I don't have to pay extra for broadband, I just have get a good deal if I have all three services through them. And naturally they're the only company that provides in the area, except for satellite.
Tonight at 8 pm. Lost book of Nostradamus.

Look on the bright side. Only a couple more years till the end of time...Dec 23/2012. The Mayans said so.

You mean only a couple more years until the end of the BS about the Mayan calender.
Oh I see. You have to pay extra for broadband? I dont think we have the choice anymore. Everything is broadband ... I think. TV and internet all together. We do have ordinary terrestial channels but it tends to be crappy plus v.v.v cheap American give-away shows. Americas top _________ (fill in the subject of your choice) and things like Everyone Hates( or loves - cant remember) Someone or other.

Well Hong Kong is obviously an extremely urbanized area. Non-broadband is really only competitive at all in rural areas that don't have the necessary infrastructure upgrades.
You mean only a couple more years until the end of the BS about the Mayan calender.

I wonder if there's any other doomsday material out there. Imagine if there wasn't? That, in itself, would be a world shattering event.

We, as a society, have to start digging up dirt. Literally!
It’s capitalism; the markets at work. Plenty of slack jawed idiots like that UFO and Nostradamus stuff. Infotainment sells. Which is why you’ll probably never see a History channel documentary on Mother Theresa or Caesar Chavez.

That said, I gotta admit sometimes I get suckered into watching Monster Quest. Chupacabra rules! You can’t ever go wrong with a monster that sucks goat blood.