The right wing's actions are to manage women's lives, leave business alone to rob and pillage, deny equal rights to gays, and yet in the name of an amendment that is in many ways irrelevant in a modern society, give every nut and loony the freedom to commit mass murder. Rights for the right are hypocrisy at its finest. Gun nuts you can still hug your gun at night under your bed in fear the boogeyman is knocking at the door.
"Late in 1997, Eric took notice of school shooters. "Every day news broadcasts stories of students shooting students, or going on killing sprees," he wrote. He researched the possibilities for an English paper. Guns were cheap and readily available. Gun Digest said you could get a Saturday night special for $69. And schools were easy targets. "It is just as easy to bring a loaded handgun to school as it is to bring a calculator," Eric wrote... "Ouch!" his teacher responded in the margin. Overall, he rated it "thorough & logical. Nice job." 'Columbine' p199 Dave Cullen - insightful read
"Reynolds: Would any of the various proposals have actually prevented the tragedy that is the supposed reason for them?
Leiter: Yes, a total ban on private ownership of semi-automatic weapons, such as the Bushmaster rifle used by the Newtown killer, would have made a difference. We can not control very well who gets ahold of guns once they are in private hands, but we can do better at controlling the kinds of guns that are even in circulation. Australia has kindly run a natural experiment for us: after a series of mass shootings, culminating in the Port Arthur incident in which 35 were murdered in 1996, the conservative Prime Minister John Howard (who, some will recall, supported President Bush in the Iraq war) spearheaded uniform gun control throughout Australia; "the new gun laws banned rapid-fire long guns, specifically to reduce their availability for mass shootings. Under the 1996–7 Australian Firearms Buyback, 643,726 newly prohibited semi-automatic and pump-action rifles and shotguns were purchased by the federal government from their civilian owners at market value....Tens of thousands of gun owners also voluntarily surrendered additional, non-prohibited firearms without compensation."
'Civilized societies regulate guns' Jerry Zodin, Las Vegas
"No other civilized country in the world comes close to the number of violent gun deaths that occur in this country in a year. Of course, no laws can guarantee there will never be anymore gun violence, but maybe they at least cut down on this senseless slaughter."
How does one measure civilized? Could America claim given the gun deaths a successful civilized happy people? To juxtapose the question with the happiest people on earth check these two articles out.
"According to Statistics Iceland there were 69 deaths by firearms in the years 1996 to 2010. Five homicides, the rest were suicides. That means on average there are about 4.6 suicides per year in Iceland by firearms (one with a handgun) and 0.3 homicides per year. It so happens that Americans are almost exactly 1.000 times as many as Icelanders. Hence if we multiply Icelandic numbers by 1.000 we get the equivalent of 4.500 suicides and 300 homicides. This means the suicide rate in the US by guns is about four times that in Iceland and the homicide rate about 39 times." link below
"Iceland, the block of sub-Arctic lava to which these statistics apply, tops the latest table of the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Human Development Index rankings, meaning that as a society and as an economy - in terms of wealth, health and education - they are champions of the world. To which one might respond: Yes, but - what with the dark winters and the far from tropical summers - are Icelanders happy? Actually, in so far as one can reliably measure such things, they are. According to a seemingly serious academic study reported in the Guardian in 2006, Icelanders are the happiest people on earth. (The study was lent some credibility by the finding that the Russians were the most unhappy.)"
""The only thing that I never understood [about many Americans] was religious intolerance and the insistence on owning guns. Even relatively pleasant people talked in phrases: “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns” (To which I would reply, if only mentally: Then you will only be shot on the remote chance you meet an outlaw, not by your relatives or friends). Steven T Abell of Fremont, California rebuts: “[Y]our relatives and friends do not make a career of assaulting you, while criminals do.”
Steve, obviously you don’t know my relatives.
In general you are right, thank God. However, experience shows that often people are worst to those that they love the most. Not because they are hurting them all the time, but because they spend a lot of time with them and in a moment of anger or thoughtlessness people say or do things that hurt their loved ones. And having a gun makes it much easier to kill yourself in a moment of anguish. Let’s look at the statistics:
In 2004 a year that I readily found info on, there were 29,569 gun deaths in the U.S:
16,750 suicides (56% of all U.S gun deaths),
11,624 homicides (40% of all U.S gun deaths),
649 unintentional shootings, 311 from legal intervention and 235 from undetermined intent (4% of all U.S gun deaths combined)."