Fuck Zimmerman


I remember being laughed at when I opposed these laws as they were coming out. Why the hell do we need to radically change the definition of self-defense all of the sudden? What produced the need? Literally the definition of self-defense had remained essentially unchanged for centuries. All of the sudden their was this huge need to massively expand it. And they laughed too when someone mentioned racism. I was too much of a cuck to reiterate their point in those days, I was too scared to ever claim racism.

Two decades later we have race riots and racial relations are worse than they've been in almost a century. Well who would have thought huh? Who would've thought this law could possibly introduce bad side effects like that? But yeah just massively and unnecessarily increase the definition of self-defense because it makes you as a white man feel more comfortable in your shooting a black robber fantasies that you have every night. It's totally not your responsibility when society falls apart over your ridiculous fears.

Of course I really do know why they were so desperate to increase the definition of "self defense". Because the civil rights era had just passed, and lynching had just been outlawed. They had an itch they needed to scratch and this scratched it. So they became obsessed over it and berated everyone who wouldn't play along.
What do you mean laws that give a person a blank check to harass the fuck out of people and be racist and then immediately pull out a gun and blast their brains out without a second thought at the first signs of drawing the intended response are a bad idea? Who would have thought. Shouldn't a person have a right to feel safe while their harassing random strangers mostly due to their race? Without that gun Zimmerman might have had a few more scratches and bruises from the fistfight he was engaged in with an adolescent. Think of the harm here.
The race riots, the chaos of the modern times - look in the fucking mirror you fucking narcissistic worthless white males. You created this world. You had the power. This is what you made. Have some self-reflection for a second and stop viewing yourself as a victim. You did this. And you just choose to bury your head in the sand with Trump? Hahahaha where the fuck is that getting you you piece of shit?
And Trayvon the thug is still worm food. Life is good

Think of all the innocent victims Zimmerman saved from Trayvon

I hope Trump gives Zimmerman a Medal of Freedom

Your head would literally explode
I remember being laughed at when I opposed these laws as they were coming out. Why the hell do we need to radically change the definition of self-defense all of the sudden? What produced the need? Literally the definition of self-defense had remained essentially unchanged for centuries. All of the sudden their was this huge need to massively expand it. And they laughed too when someone mentioned racism. I was too much of a cuck to reiterate their point in those days, I was too scared to ever claim racism.

Two decades later we have race riots and racial relations are worse than they've been in almost a century. Well who would have thought huh? Who would've thought this law could possibly introduce bad side effects like that? But yeah just massively and unnecessarily increase the definition of self-defense because it makes you as a white man feel more comfortable in your shooting a black robber fantasies that you have every night. It's totally not your responsibility when society falls apart over your ridiculous fears.

Of course I really do know why they were so desperate to increase the definition of "self defense". Because the civil rights era had just passed, and lynching had just been outlawed. They had an itch they needed to scratch and this scratched it. So they became obsessed over it and berated everyone who wouldn't play along.

Isn't it more, fuck Florida. They have the psychotic stand your ground laws, so anyone can be a Zimmerman.
trayvon, if allowed to have grown up, would have undoubtedly been a piece of shit. zimmerman did us all a favor, and for that I am thankful.
I remember being laughed at when I opposed these laws as they were coming out. Why the hell do we need to radically change the definition of self-defense all of the sudden? What produced the need? Literally the definition of self-defense had remained essentially unchanged for centuries. All of the sudden their was this huge need to massively expand it. And they laughed too when someone mentioned racism. I was too much of a cuck to reiterate their point in those days, I was too scared to ever claim racism.

Two decades later we have race riots and racial relations are worse than they've been in almost a century. Well who would have thought huh? Who would've thought this law could possibly introduce bad side effects like that? But yeah just massively and unnecessarily increase the definition of self-defense because it makes you as a white man feel more comfortable in your shooting a black robber fantasies that you have every night. It's totally not your responsibility when society falls apart over your ridiculous fears.

Of course I really do know why they were so desperate to increase the definition of "self defense". Because the civil rights era had just passed, and lynching had just been outlawed. They had an itch they needed to scratch and this scratched it. So they became obsessed over it and berated everyone who wouldn't play along.

Don't badmouth Grind's soulmate. I'm sorry things didn't work-out between you two.
Defending yourself from a nig ambush and assault is legal in every state. Always has been.
Zimmerman and Martin: one night, two morons met in a Florida neighborhood.

I can't say Zimmerman is much of a moron. He was right to be suspicious of a hooded nig creeping around at night in a high-crime area. He might have been right to call the police. He was definitely right to have a gun with him. Zimmerman was just very unlucky in this becoming a national news story and a bogus excuse for leftwing haters to take to the street. It shouldn't have mattered, but Zimmerman learned that he needs to be far more careful what he says on the phone to police, as what he said was twisted and used against him (I wouldn't have called the police at all. It would just have been another worthless dead nig that was shot in self-defense).

The nig didn't count on the guy he assaulted having a gun. Fuck Trayvon to Hell. ROFLMAO Three Cheers for Zimmerman!!!!
I can't say Zimmerman is much of a moron. He was right to be suspicious of a hooded nig creeping around at night in a high-crime area. He might have been right to call the police. He was definitely right to have a gun with him. Zimmerman was just very unlucky in this becoming a national news story and a bogus excuse for leftwing haters to take to the street. It shouldn't have mattered, but Zimmerman learned that he needs to be far more careful what he says on the phone to police, as what he said was twisted and used against him (I wouldn't have called the police at all. It would just have been another worthless dead nig that was shot in self-defense).

The nig didn't count on the guy he assaulted having a gun. Fuck Trayvon to Hell. ROFLMAO Three Cheers for Zimmerman!!!!

Killing Mr. Martin was hardly the end of Zimmerman's troubles. He is his own worst enemy.
yeah and they're on "your side" when it comes to mike brown. doesnt change the fact that zimmerman is still a hero

The cop who shot Brown literally did nothing wrong, and Brown was in the act of committing a crime. The Sanford incident was a case of two dumbasses crossing paths.
And Trayvon the thug is still worm food. Life is good

Think of all the innocent victims Zimmerman saved from Trayvon

I hope Trump gives Zimmerman a Medal of Freedom

Your head would literally explode

Think of all the muggings he couldn't do, stores he couldn't rob, and the bastard babies he didn't produce.
Zimmerman and Martin: one night, two morons met in a Florida neighborhood.

