Screw all the hype from both sides. I have had two major experiences with unions.
The first was at Gulf States paper mill in Tuscaloosa AL. The union wanted an increase in wages and in the healthcare package. Both were already about the highest for any blue collar workers in the area, but the union wanted to flex muscles. The man who owns the company met with the workers and told them the mill needed upgrading. If they would wait until the upgrade was finished, he would give them their raises. At that time, the mill was barely making a profit and needed to be reworked. The union demanded the raises and the owner stood firm. The union people called for a strike. The membership voted and voted no. They called for another vote. And another, and another, and another. Finally on the 5th vote they had enough to go on strike. The mill owner told them he was willing to help them after the mill was refurbished, but if they went on strike he would close the mill.
They struck, and he closed the mill. One of the largest employers in West Alabama, the closing put thousands of people out of work. The union guys? They moved on to a new place and left the workers behind.
The other incident was a union powerline shop. They maintain the training records and approve the linemen's qualifications for various jobs. Often they will not allow the prime contractor access to the training/qualification records. A retired Georgia Power lineman was sent to a job in which energized lines were handled. It is highly specialized work. They signed off saying the lineman had the necessary qualifications. We found out that he did not. The problem is that we found this out during the investigation into his death. He was electrocuted.
Yeah, labor is all about the best interests of the worker. They are no different that the politicians. They are all about power.