Fukishima Follies...the saga continues.

Let's get something straight, here....alpha particles are akin helium, beta is akin to being hit with an electrical charge. NOTHING LETHAL THERE, UNLIKE GAMMA PARTICLES. Plus factor in space and ventilation.

From the past:

Mortality among workers at a nuclear power plant in the United States.


To the present:

Study finds cancer risk among nuclear power plant workers negligible


Nuclear plant workers developed cancer despite radiation exposure below legal limit — As little as 5 millisieverts

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I've done this dance...YOU just ignore my links and parrot on

It wasn't that long ago you were telling me that there was a potential holocaust about to occur at the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant.

I pointed out the FACTS regarding leakage into the water system where there wasn't suppose to be any....and how unless things were changed it was going to get worse.

And let me put this time honored bullshit defense you nuke wonks use to rest once and for all:

Unless you have an immediate catastrophe akin to a sci-fi horror movie, the nuke power industry and it's sycophants tell us all is well, just a minor thing, we got it under control, you get more radiation from food, trees, etc.

YET, they fail to mention that cumulative effects and/or long term exposure to certain types of radiation will result in cancers and such dire things as birth defects, etc.

Like I said, YOU want to risk your life and your family's, that's YOUR business....don't make that decision for the rest of us.
Let's get something straight, here....alpha particles are akin helium, beta is akin to being hit with an electrical charge. NOTHING LETHAL THERE, UNLIKE GAMMA PARTICLES. Plus factor in space and ventilation.

From the past:

Mortality among workers at a nuclear power plant in the United States.


To the present:

Study finds cancer risk among nuclear power plant workers negligible


Nuclear plant workers developed cancer despite radiation exposure below legal limit — As little as 5 millisieverts


Let me get something straight, there is no such thing as gamma particles. Gamma rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and akin to ultra high energy X-rays. Alpha and Beta emitters like radon can certainly do damage to living organisms if ingested or breathed in. If you are that worried I suggest that you never get on a plane, eat brazil nuts or bananas, go to Grand Central Station or indeed go anywhere where there is granite or live near a coal fuelled power station. Isn't it ironic that gamma rays can cause cancer yet they are also used in the treatment of cancer with radiotherapy.

Natural exposure to gamma rays is about 1 to 2 mSv per year, and the average total amount of radiation received in one year per inhabitant in the USA is 3.6 mSv.

Source: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Annex E: Medical radiation exposures – Sources and Effects of Ionizing – 1993, p. 249, New York, UN
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Let's get something straight, here....alpha particles are akin helium, beta is akin to being hit with an electrical charge. NOTHING LETHAL THERE, UNLIKE GAMMA PARTICLES. Plus factor in space and ventilation.

From the past:

Mortality among workers at a nuclear power plant in the United States.


To the present:

Study finds cancer risk among nuclear power plant workers negligible


Nuclear plant workers developed cancer despite radiation exposure below legal limit — As little as 5 millisieverts


Let me get something straight, there is no such thing as gamma particles. Gamma rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and akin to ultra high energy X-rays. Alpha and Beta emitters like radon can certainly do damage to living organisms if ingested or breathed in.

Yep, forgot about that.


Gamma radiation is NOT in Grand Central, right? But it sure as hell at nuke power plants.
And again, Radon gas is NOT gathering in lethal quantities in Grand Central Station.....so spare us all this lame ass dodge and deal with the FACTS I put forth that show the LIE of how safe nuke power plants are.
Yep, forgot about that.


Gamma radiation is NOT in Grand Central, right? But it sure as hell at nuke power plants.
And again, Radon gas is NOT gathering in lethal quantities in Grand Central Station.....so spare us all this lame ass dodge and deal with the FACTS I put forth that show the LIE of how safe nuke power plants are.

Not true, some isotopes of radon emit gamma rays as well as alpha and beta particles. Oh and since you are saying that only gamma rays need to be concerned about, please note that tritium does not emit gamma rays..
Source: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Annex E: Medical radiation exposures – Sources and Effects of Ionizing – 1993, p. 249, New York, UN

We all know the U.N. is bought and aid for by big uranium. Stop using that corporate propeganda.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yep, forgot about that.


Gamma radiation is NOT in Grand Central, right? But it sure as hell at nuke power plants.
And again, Radon gas is NOT gathering in lethal quantities in Grand Central Station.....so spare us all this lame ass dodge and deal with the FACTS I put forth that show the LIE of how safe nuke power plants are.

Not true, some isotopes of radon emit gamma rays as well as alpha and beta particles. Oh and since you are saying that only gamma rays need to be concerned about, please note that tritium does not emit gamma rays..

Man, you're still dodging and bull shitting.:palm: Bottom line: Radon gas is NOT gathering in lethal concentrations in Grand Central Station and there are NO dangerous or high levels of gamma radiation there either...so you posting that is just a strawman typical of nuke wonks who don't want to deal with FACTS regarding the lies the nuke power industry push regarding nuke power plant safety. And no one said tritium emits gamma particles....but it sure as hell is NOT conducive to health if ingested via the cumulative eco-system (gets into water, into fish, into people who drink water and eat fish, etc.)

Bottom line: you'll keep dodging and BS'ing instead of simply acknowledging the FACTS I linked showing VALID, DOCUMENTED cases of nuke plant hazzards. That's the problem with folk like you.....when faced with a medium that others can back track and SEE your folly, you just hunker down and become more stubborn.

Like I said, YOU want to live with that risk that's YOUR problem. I just don't want to share in your problem. So unless you're willing to extend some intellectual honesty and actually read/discuss the information I linked (as I have done with you), I'd say we're done here.